Source code for raytraverse.lightpoint.compressedpointkd

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# Copyright (c) 2020 Stephen Wasilewski, HSLU and EPFL
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import numpy as np

from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from sklearn.cluster import Birch

from raytools import translate, io
from raytraverse.lightpoint.lightpointkd import LightPointKD

[docs] class CompressedPointKD(LightPointKD): """compressed data needs special methods for making images. can be initialized either like LightPointKD (but with required omega argument), or if 'scene' is a LightPointKD then a compressed output is calculated from the input Parameters ---------- scene: BaseScene LightpointKD src: str, optional new name for src passed to LightPointKD constructor dist: float, optional translate.theta2chord(np.pi/32), primary clustering distance using the birch algorithm, for lossy compression of lf. this is the maximum radius of a cluster, preserving important directional information. clustering acts on ray direction and luminance, with weight of luminance dimension controlled by the lweight parameter. lerr: float, optional min-max normalized error in luminance grouping. plotc: bool, optional make directview plot of compressed output showing source vectors """ def __init__(self, scene, vec=None, lum=None, write=True, src=None, dist=0.0981, lerr=0.01, plotc=False, **kwargs): self._clusterimg = None if issubclass(type(scene), LightPointKD): new = True if plotc: self._clusterimg = np.zeros((3, 512*scene.vm.aspect, 512)) scn, kwargs = self.compress(scene, src=src, dist=dist, lerr=lerr) else: new = vec is not None and lum is not None scn = scene kwargs.update(filterviews=False, calcomega=False, write=False) super().__init__(scn, **kwargs) if is None: raise ValueError(f"{type(self)} must be initialized with " f"precomputed omega") # wait to write until success if write and new: self.dump() if self._clusterimg is not None: res = 1024 vimg = translate.resample(self._clusterimg, (3, res * self.vm.aspect, res), gauss=False) img, pdirs, mask, mask2, header = self.vm.init_img(res, self.add_to_img(img, pdirs[mask], mask2) outf = self.file.replace("/", "_").replace(".rytpt", "_clust.hdr") vimg = np.where(np.sum(vimg, axis=0)[None] == 0, img[None], vimg) io.carray2hdr(vimg, outf, header=[header]) self._clusterimg = None
[docs] def add_to_img(self, img, vecs, mask=None, skyvec=1, vm=None, fisheye=True, order=False, omega=False, rnd=False, **kwargs): """add luminance contributions to image array (updates in place) Parameters ---------- img: np.array 2D image array to add to (either zeros or with other source) vecs: np.array vectors corresponding to img pixels shape (N, 3) mask: np.array, optional indices to img that correspond to vec (in case where whole image is not being updated, such as corners of fisheye) skyvec: int float np.array, optional source coefficients, shape is (1,) or (srcn,) vm: raytraverse.mapper.ViewMapper, optional """ if order: val = np.arange( features = 1 elif rnd: val = np.random.rand( features = 1 elif omega: val = features = 1 else: val = np.squeeze(self.apply_coef(skyvec)) features = self.features if vm is None: vm = self.vm vecs = vecs.reshape(-1, 3) if fisheye: imgkd = cKDTree(vecs) r = translate.theta2chord(np.sqrt( splats = imgkd.query_ball_point(self.vec, r) else: imgkd = cKDTree(vm.xyz2uv(vecs)) r = np.sqrt( splats = imgkd.query_ball_point(vm.xyz2uv(self.vec), r) img0 = np.squeeze(np.zeros((len(vecs), features))) for sp, lum in zip(splats, val): img0[sp] += lum if mask is None: img += img0.T.reshape(img.shape) else: img[mask] += img0 for srcview in self.srcviews: srcview.add_to_img(img, vecs, mask, skyvec[-1], vm)
[docs] def compress(self, lp, src=None, dist=0.0981, lerr=0.01): """A lossy compression based on clustering. Rays are clustered using the birch algoritm on a 4D vector (x,y,z,lum) where lum is the sum of contributions from all sources in the LightPoint. In the optional second stage (activated with secondary=True) sources are further grouped through agglomerative cluster using an average linkage. this is to help with source indentification/matching between LightPoints, but can introduce significant errors to computing non energy conserving metrics in cases where the applied sky vectors have large relative differences between adjacent patches (> 1.5:1) or if the variance in peak luminance above the lthreshold parameter is significant. These include cases where nearby transmitting materials is varied (example: a trans upper above a clear lower), or lthreshold is set too low. For this reason, it is better to use single stage compression for metric computation and only do glare source grouping for interpolation between LightPoints. Parameters ---------- lp: LightPointKD src: str, optional new name for src passed to LightPointKD constructor dist: float, optional translate.theta2chord(np.pi/32), primary clustering distance using the birch algorithm, for lossy compression of lf. this is the maximum radius of a cluster, preserving important directional information. clustering acts on ray direction and luminance, with weight of luminance dimension controlled by the lweight parameter. lerr: float, optional min-max normalized error in luminance grouping. plotc: bool, optional make directview plot of compressed output showing source vectors Returns ------- arguments for initializing a CompressedPointKD """ lweight = dist/lerr wv = self._source_weighted_vector(lp, lweight) clust = Birch(threshold=dist, n_clusters=None) lsort = np.argsort(clust.labels_) ul, sidx = np.unique(clust.labels_[lsort], return_index=True) slices = np.array_split(lsort, sidx[1:]) ovec, ooga, olum = self._reduce(lp, slices) if src is None: src = f"{lp.src}_compressed" kwargs = dict(vec=ovec, lum=olum, vm=lp.vm,, posidx=lp.posidx, src=src, srcn=lp.srcn, omega=ooga, srcdir=lp.srcdir, srcviews=lp.srcviews, features=olum.shape[1]) return lp.scene, kwargs
@staticmethod def _source_weighted_vector(lp, weight=10): """generate vector for clustering Parameters ---------- lp: LightPointKD weight: float, optional coefficient for min-max normalized luminances, bigger values weight luminance more strongly compared to vector direction, meaning with higher numbers clusters will have less variance in luminance. Returns ------- weighted_vector: np.array (N, 7) ray direction, source direction, and source brightness """ lum = lp.apply_coef(1).T if lp.features > 1: lum = np.average(lum, axis=0) # min-max normalize luminances bound = np.percentile(lum, (0, 100)) scale = bound[1] - bound[0] ldist = (lum - bound[0])/scale src = np.einsum('jk,ij->ik', lp.srcdir, lum) return np.hstack((lp.vec, src, ldist * weight)) def _reduce(self, lp, slices): """group vector/omega/lum data according to slices Parameters ---------- lp: LightPointKD slices: list length = len(np.unique(labels)) list of index arrays for each cluster label Returns ------- vec: np.array shape (n_clust, 3), reduced vectors oga: np.array shape (n_clust,), reduced omeega lum: np.array shape (n_clust, nsrcs), reduced lum """ v2 = [] o2 = [] l2 = [] lum = np.reshape(lp.lum, (lp.vec.shape[0], -1)) rng = np.random.default_rng() for s in slices: v = np.average(lp.vec[s], 0,[s]) mag = np.linalg.norm(v) if self._clusterimg is not None: color = rng.random(3) color[rng.integers(3, size=1)] = 0 self._clusterimg = lp.vm.add_vecs_to_img(self._clusterimg, lp.vec[s], channels=color) v2.append(v/mag) o2.append(np.sum([s])) l2.append(np.average(lum[s], 0,[s])) return np.array(v2), np.array(o2), np.array(l2)