Source code for raytraverse.lightpoint.lightpointkd

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020 Stephen Wasilewski, HSLU and EPFL
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import os
import pickle

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
from scipy.ndimage import correlate1d

from scipy.spatial import cKDTree, SphericalVoronoi, Voronoi
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

from clasp.script_tools import try_mkdir

from raytools import io, translate
from raytraverse.mapper import ViewMapper, PlanMapper
from raytraverse.lightpoint.srcviewpoint import SrcViewPoint

def calc_voronoi_area(vecs, pm):
    """calculate area in the bounded (non-spherical case)"""
    # border capture any infinite edges
    bordered = np.concatenate((vecs, pm.bbox_vertices(pm.area**.5 * 10)))
    # due to precision errors, Qhull may return fewer regions than
    # vertices, the QJ options helps this...
    vor = Voronoi(bordered[:, 0:2], qhull_options="Qbb Qc QJ")
    # but in case of failure, this will distribute the area of the duplicate
    # region evenly among the enclosed vertices by scaling by 1/# of vertices
    # using each region.
    if len(vor.regions) < len(vor.point_region):
        r, idx, inv, cnt = np.unique(vor.point_region[:len(vecs)],
                                     return_index=True, return_inverse=True,
        scale = 1./cnt[inv]
        scale = 1.

    omega = np.zeros(len(vecs))
    c = 0
    d = 0
    for i in range(len(vecs)):
        region = vor.regions[vor.point_region[i]]
        p = Polygon(vor.vertices[region])
        if pm.boundary.contains(p):
            omega[i] = p.area
            c += 1
            omega[i] = p.intersection(pm.boundary).area
            d += 1
    omega *= scale
    return omega

[docs] class LightPointKD(object): """light distribution from a point with KDtree structure for directional query Parameters ---------- scene: raytraverse.scene.BaseScene vec: np.array, optional shape (N, >=3) where last three columns are normalized direction vectors of samples. If not given, tries to load from scene.outdir lum: np.array, optional reshapeable to (N, srcn). sample values for each source corresponding to vec. If not given, tries to load from scene.outdir vm: raytraverse.mapper.ViewMapper, optional a default viewmapper for image and metric calculations, should match viewmapper of if possible. pt: tuple list np.array 3 item point location of light distribution posidx: int, optional index position of point, will govern file naming so must be set to avoid clobbering writes. also used by spacemapper for planar sampling src: str, optional name of source group. will govern file naming so must be set to avoid clobbering writes. srcn: int, optional must match lum, does not need to be set if reloading from scene.outdir calcomega: bool, optional if True (default) calculate solid angle of rays. This is unnecessary if point will be combined before calculating any metrics. setting to False will save some computation time. write: bool, optional whether to save ray data to disk. omega: np.array, optional provide precomputed omega values, if given, overrides calcomega """ def __init__(self, scene, vec=None, lum=None, vm=None, pt=(0, 0, 0), posidx=0, src='sky', srcn=1, srcdir=(0, 0, 1), calcomega=True, write=True, omega=None, filterviews=True, srcviews=None, parent=None, srcviewidxs=None, features=1): directload = False try: if os.path.isfile(scene): self.file = scene scene = None directload = True except TypeError: pass self.srcviews = [] self.srcviewidxs = [] self.set_srcviews(srcviews, srcviewidxs) if vm is None: vm = ViewMapper() #: raytraverse.mapper.ViewMapper self.vm = vm #: raytraverse.scene.Scene self.scene = scene #: int: index for point self.posidx = posidx #: np.array: point location = np.asarray(pt).flatten()[0:3] #: str: source key self.src = src #: direction to source(s) self.srcdir = translate.norm(np.asarray(srcdir).reshape(-1, 3)) if self.scene is None: outdir = None elif parent is not None: outdir = f"{self.scene.outdir}/{parent}" else: outdir = self.scene.outdir self.parent = parent if self.scene is None: if not directload: self.file = f"{self.src}_{self.posidx:06d}.rytpt" else: #: str: relative path to disk storage self.file = f"{outdir}/{self.src}/{self.posidx:06d}.rytpt" self._vec = np.empty((0, 3)) if features > 1: self._lum = np.empty((0, srcn, features)) else: self._lum = np.empty((0, srcn)) self._d_kd = None self._omega = None if vec is not None and lum is not None: self.srcn = srcn self.features = features self.update(vec, lum, omega=omega, calcomega=calcomega, write=write, filterviews=filterviews) elif os.path.isfile(self.file): self.load() else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot initialize {type(self).__name__} without" f" file: {self.file} or parameters 'vec' " f"and 'lum'") self.srcdir = np.broadcast_to(self.srcdir, (self.srcn, 3))
[docs] def load(self): f = open(self.file, 'rb') loads = pickle.load(f) self._d_kd, self._vec, self._omega, self._lum = loads[0:4] self.srcviews = loads[4] self.srcdir = loads[5] try: self.srcviewidxs = loads[6] except IndexError: self.srcviewidxs = [-1] * max(len(self.srcviews), 1) self.srcn = self.lum.shape[1] try: self.features = self.lum.shape[2] except IndexError: self.features = 1 f.close()
[docs] def dump(self): if self.scene is None: pass elif self.parent is not None: try_mkdir(f"{self.scene.outdir}/{self.parent}") try_mkdir(f"{self.scene.outdir}/{self.parent}/{self.src}") else: try_mkdir(f"{self.scene.outdir}/{self.src}") f = open(self.file, 'wb') pickle.dump((self._d_kd, self._vec, self._omega, self._lum, self.srcviews, self.srcdir, self.srcviewidxs), f, protocol=4) f.close()
@property def vec(self): """direction vector (N,3)""" return self._vec @property def lum(self): """luminance (N,srcn)""" return self._lum @property def d_kd(self): """kd tree for spatial query :getter: Returns kd tree structure :type: scipy.spatial.cKDTree """ return self._d_kd @property def omega(self): """solid angle (N) :getter: Returns array of solid angles :setter: sets soolid angles with viewmapper :type: np.array """ return self._omega
[docs] def set_srcviews(self, srcviews, idxs=None): if srcviews is None: srcviews = [] self.srcviews = [i for i in srcviews if issubclass(type(i), SrcViewPoint) or issubclass(type(i), LightPointKD)] if idxs is None or len(idxs) == 0: self.srcviewidxs = [-1] * max(len(self.srcviews), 1) else: self.srcviewidxs = idxs
[docs] def calc_omega(self, write=True): """calculate solid angle Parameters ---------- write: bool, optional update/write kdtree data to file """ vm = self.vm if self.vec.shape[0] < 100: omega = np.full(len(self.vec), 2*np.pi*vm.aspect/len(self.vec)) elif vm.aspect == 1: # in case of 180 view, cannot use spherical voronoi, instead # the method estimates area in square coordinates b = np.array([[[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]]) pm = PlanMapper(b) uv = np.hstack((vm.xyz2uv(self.vec), np.zeros((len(self.vec), 1)))) # scale unit square back to view area omega = calc_voronoi_area(uv, pm)*vm.area else: try: omega = SphericalVoronoi(self.vec, threshold=1e-10).calculate_areas() except ValueError: # spherical voronoi raises a ValueError when points are # too close, in this case we cull duplicates before calculating # area, leaving the duplicates with omega=0 it would be more # efficient downstream to filter these points, but that would # require culling the vecs and lum and rebuilding to kdtree omega = np.zeros(self.vec.shape[0]) tol = 2*np.pi/2**10 flt = translate.cull_vectors(self.d_kd, tol) omega[flt] = SphericalVoronoi(self.vec[flt]).calculate_areas() self._omega = omega if write: self.dump()
[docs] def apply_coef(self, coefs): """apply coefficient vector to self.lum Parameters ---------- coefs: np.array int float list shape (N, self.srcn) or broadcastable Returns ------- alum: np.array shape (N, self.vec.shape[0]) """ if self.features > 1: try: c = np.asarray(coefs).reshape(-1, self.srcn, self.features) except ValueError: c = np.broadcast_to(coefs, (1, self.srcn, self.features)) return np.einsum('ijf,kjf->ikf', c, self.lum) try: c = np.asarray(coefs).reshape(-1, self.srcn) except ValueError: c = np.broadcast_to(coefs, (1, self.srcn)) return np.einsum('ij,kj->ik', c, self.lum)
[docs] def add_to_img(self, img, vecs, mask=None, skyvec=1, interp=False, idx=None, interpweights=None, order=False, omega=False, vm=None, rnd=False, engine=None, srcrnd=False, **kwargs): """add luminance contributions to image array (updates in place) Parameters ---------- img: np.array 2D image array to add to (either zeros or with other source) vecs: np.array vectors corresponding to img pixels shape (N, 3) mask: np.array, optional indices to img that correspond to vec (in case where whole image is not being updated, such as corners of fisheye) skyvec: int float np.array, optional source coefficients, shape is (1,) or (srcn,) interp: Union[bool, str], optional - if "precomp", use index and interpweights - if True and engine is None, linearinterpolation - if "fastc" and engine: uses content_interp (best after sampling w/o detail) - if "highc" and engine: uses content_interp_wedge (best after sampling w/o detail) - if "fast": use interp_fast (pair with sampling w/ detail) - if "high": use interp_wedge (pair with sampling w/ detail) idx: np.array, optional precomputed query/interpolation result interpweights: np.array, optional precomputted interpolation weights omega: bool if true, add value of ray solid angle instead of luminance vm: raytraverse.mapper.ViewMapper, optional rnd: bool, optional use random values as contribution (for visualizing data shape) engine: raytraverse.renderer.Rtrace, optional engine for content aware interpolation kwargs: dict, optional passed to interpolationn functions """ if order: val = np.arange([None] elif rnd: val = np.random.rand(1, elif omega: val =, -1) elif srcrnd: val = np.vstack([self.apply_coef(skyvec[i]) for i in range(3)]).T[None] else: val = self.apply_coef(skyvec) if vm is None: vm = self.vm if interp == "precomp": lum = self.apply_interp(idx, val[0], interpweights) elif interp == "fastc" and engine is not None: i, weights = self.interp(vecs, angle=False, lum=False, dither=False, rt=engine, **kwargs) lum = self.apply_interp(i, val[0], weights) elif interp == "highc" and engine is not None: i, weights = self.interp(vecs, rt=engine, **kwargs) lum = self.apply_interp(i, val[0], weights) elif interp == "fast": i, weights = self.interp(vecs, angle=False, lum=False, dither=False, **kwargs) lum = self.apply_interp(i, val[0], weights) elif interp == "high": i, weights = self.interp(vecs, **kwargs) lum = self.apply_interp(i, val[0], weights) elif interp is True: lum = self.linear_interp(vm, val[0], vecs) elif interp: raise ValueError(f"Bad value for interp={interp}, should be boolean" f", 'precomp', 'fast', or 'high'") else: if idx is not None: i = idx else: i, d = self.query_ray(vecs) lum = val[:, i] if mask is None: if len(lum.shape) == 5: a = np.transpose(lum, (0, 1, 4, 2, 3))[0, 0] else: a = lum[0, 0] img += a else: img[mask] += np.ravel(lum) if not (omega or rnd or order): for srcview, srcidx in zip(self.srcviews, self.srcviewidxs): srcview.add_to_img(img, vecs, mask, skyvec[srcidx], vm)
[docs] def evaluate(self, skyvec, vm=None, idx=None, srconly=False, blursun=False, includeviews=True): """return rays within view with skyvec applied. this is the analog to add_to_img for metric calculations Parameters ---------- skyvec: int float np.array, optional source coefficients, shape is (1,) or (srcn,) vm: raytraverse.mapper.ViewMapper, optional idx: np.array, optional precomputed query_ball result srconly: bool, optional only evaluate direct sources (stored in self.srcviews) includeviews: bool, optional include src views in returned results Returns ------- rays: np.array shape (N, 3) rays falling within view omega: np.array shape (N,) associated solid angles lum: np.array shape (N,) associated luminances """ if srconly: rays = np.array([[0, 0, 1]]) omega = np.atleast_1d(np.pi*2) lum = np.zeros((1, 1)) elif vm is None: rays = self.vec omega = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze( lum = self.apply_coef(skyvec).T vm = self.vm else: if idx is None: idx = self.query_ball(vm.dxyz, vm.viewangle * vm.aspect)[0] omega = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze([idx])) rays = self.vec[idx] lum = self.apply_coef(skyvec)[:, idx].T lum = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(lum)) if len(lum.shape) > 1: lum = io.rgb2rad(lum.T) if len(self.srcviews) > 0 and includeviews: vrs = [] vos = [] vls = [] for srcview, srcidx in zip(self.srcviews, self.srcviewidxs): srcvec = np.atleast_2d(skyvec)[:, srcidx] vr, vo, vl = srcview.evaluate(srcvec, vm, blursun=blursun) # 4 times sun if vo[0] > 0.00027: cost = np.argsort(-translate.ctheta(vr[0], rays)) comega = np.cumsum(omega[cost]) cutoff = np.searchsorted(comega, vo[0], 'right') cutoff = max(cutoff-1, 0) cost = cost[cutoff:] rays = rays[cost] lum = lum[cost] omega = omega[cost] vrs.append(vr) vos.append(vo) vls.append(vl) rays = np.concatenate([rays] + vrs, axis=0) try: omega = np.concatenate([omega] + vos, 0) except ValueError: omega = np.concatenate(vos, axis=0) lum = np.concatenate([lum] + vls, axis=0) return rays, omega, lum
[docs] def query_ray(self, vecs): """return the index and distance of the nearest ray to each of vecs Parameters ---------- vecs: np.array shape (N, 3) normalized vectors to query, could represent image pixels for example. Returns ------- i: np.array integer indices of closest ray to each query d: np.array distance (corresponds to chord length on unit sphere) from query to ray in lightpoint. use translate.chord2theta to convert to angle. """ d, i = self.d_kd.query(vecs) return i, d
[docs] def query_ball(self, vecs, viewangle=180): """return set of rays within a view cone Parameters ---------- vecs: np.array shape (N, 3) vectors to query. viewangle: int float opening angle of view cone Returns ------- i: list np.array if vecs is a single point, a list of vector indices of rays within view cone. if vecs is a set of point an array of lists, one for each vec is returned. """ vs = translate.theta2chord(viewangle/360*np.pi) return self.d_kd.query_ball_point(translate.norm(vecs), vs)
[docs] def make_image(self, outf, skyvec, vm=None, res=1024, interp=False, showsample=False): if vm is None: vm = self.vm img, pdirs, mask, mask2, header = vm.init_img(res,, self.features) header = [header] self.add_to_img(img, pdirs[mask], mask2, vm=vm, interp=interp, skyvec=skyvec) if showsample: if len(img.shape) < 3: img = np.repeat(img[None, ...], 3, 0) vi = self.query_ball(vm.dxyz, vm.viewangle * vm.aspect) v = self.vec[vi[0]] img = vm.add_vecs_to_img(img, v) io.carray2hdr(img, outf, header) elif len(img.shape) == 3: io.carray2hdr(img, outf, header) else: io.array2hdr(img, outf, header) return outf
[docs] def direct_view(self, res=512, showsample=False, showweight=True, rnd=False, order=False, srcidx=None, interp=False, omega=False, scalefactor=1, vm=None, fisheye=True, grow=1, srcrnd=False): """create an unweighted summary image of lightpoint""" if omega or rnd or order: features = 1 interp = False elif srcrnd: features = 3 showweight = True else: features = self.features if vm is None: vm = self.vm img, pdirs, mask, mask2, header = vm.init_img(res,, features=features) if fisheye: header = [header] else: uv = translate.bin2uv(np.arange(res*res*vm.aspect), res) pdirs = vm.uv2xyz(uv).reshape(vm.aspect*res, res, 3) mask = None mask2 = None header = None if showweight: grow = 0 if srcidx is not None: skyvec = np.zeros(self.srcn) skyvec[srcidx] = scalefactor elif srcrnd: skyvec = translate.norm(np.random.default_rng(0).random((self.srcn, 3))).T else: skyvec = np.full(self.srcn, scalefactor) self.add_to_img(img, pdirs[mask], mask2, vm=vm, order=order, interp=interp, skyvec=skyvec, omega=omega, rnd=rnd, srcrnd=srcrnd, fisheye=fisheye) channels = (1, 0, 0) else: channels = (1, 1, 1) if order: outf = self.file.replace("/", "_").replace(".rytpt", "_order.hdr") elif rnd: outf = self.file.replace("/", "_").replace(".rytpt", "_random.hdr") elif omega: outf = self.file.replace("/", "_").replace(".rytpt", "_omega.hdr") elif srcrnd: outf = self.file.replace("/", "_").replace(".rytpt", "_srcrnd.hdr") else: outf = self.file.replace("/", "_").replace(".rytpt", ".hdr") outf = outf.strip(".").strip("_") if srcidx is not None: try: outf = outf.replace(f"_{self.src}_", f"_{self.src}_{srcidx:04d}_") except TypeError: outf = outf.replace(f"_{self.src}_", f"_{self.src}_filtered_") if showsample: if len(img.shape) < 3: img = np.repeat(img[None, ...], 3, 0) vi = self.query_ball(vm.dxyz, vm.viewangle * vm.aspect) v = self.vec[vi[0]] img = vm.add_vecs_to_img(img, v, channels=channels, fisheye=fisheye, mask=mask, grow=grow) io.carray2hdr(img, outf, header) elif len(img.shape) == 3: io.carray2hdr(img, outf, header) else: io.array2hdr(img, outf, header) return outf
[docs] def add(self, lf2, src=None, calcomega=True, write=False, sumsrc=False): """add light points of distinct sources together results in a new lightpoint with srcn=self.srcn+srcn2 and vector size=self.vecsize+vecsize2 Parameters ---------- lf2: raytraverse.lightpoint.LightPointKD src: str, optional if None (default), src is "{lf1.src}_{lf2.src}" calcomega: bool, optional passed to LightPointKD constructor write: bool, optional passed to LightPointKD constructor sumsrc: bool, optional if True adds matching source indices together (must be same shape) this assumes that the two lightpoints represent the same source but different components (such as direct/indirect) Returns ------- raytraverse.lightpoint.LightPointKD will be subtyped according to self, unless lf2 is needed to preserve data """ i, d = self.query_ray(lf2.vec) notmatch = d > 1e-6 i = i[notmatch] vecs = np.concatenate((self.vec, lf2.vec[notmatch]), axis=0) lum1 = np.concatenate((self.lum, self.lum[i]), axis=0) i, d = lf2.query_ray(self.vec) lum2 = np.concatenate((lf2.lum[i], lf2.lum[notmatch]), axis=0) if sumsrc: lums = lum1 + lum2 srcn = self.srcn srcdir = self.srcdir else: lums = np.concatenate((lum1, lum2), axis=1) srcdir = np.concatenate((self.srcdir, lf2.srcdir), axis=0) srcn = self.srcn + lf2.srcn if src is None: src = f"{self.src}_{lf2.src}" svi = [i if i >= 0 else self.srcn + i for i, sv in zip(self.srcviewidxs, self.srcviews)] svi2 = [i + self.srcn if i >= 0 else i for i, sv in zip(self.srcviewidxs, self.srcviews)] return type(self)(self.scene, vecs, lums, vm=self.vm,, posidx=self.posidx, src=src, calcomega=calcomega, srcn=srcn, write=write, srcdir=srcdir, srcviews=self.srcviews + lf2.srcviews, srcviewidxs=svi + svi2, filterviews=False, parent=self.parent)
[docs] def update(self, vec, lum, omega=None, calcomega=True, write=True, filterviews=False): """add additional rays to lightpoint in place Parameters ---------- vec: np.array, optional shape (N, >=3) where last three columns are normalized direction vectors of samples. lum: np.array, optional reshapeable to (N, srcn). sample values for each source corresponding to vec. omega: np.array, optional provide precomputed omega values, if given, overrides calcomega calcomega: bool, optional if True (default) calculate solid angle of rays. This is unnecessary if point will be combined before calculating any metrics. setting to False will save some computation time. If False, resets omega to None! write: bool, optional whether to save updated ray data to disk. filterviews: bool, optional delete rays near sourceviews """ self._vec = np.vstack((self.vec, vec[:, -3:])) if self.features > 1: self._lum = np.vstack((self.lum, lum.reshape(-1, self.srcn, self.features))) else: self._lum = np.vstack((self.lum, lum.reshape(-1, self.srcn))) self._d_kd = cKDTree(self.vec) if filterviews and len(self.srcviews) > 0: for sv in self.srcviews: lucky_squirel = self.d_kd.query_ball_point(sv.vec, sv.radius) if len(lucky_squirel) > 0: self._vec = np.delete(self.vec, lucky_squirel, 0) self._lum = np.delete(self.lum, lucky_squirel, 0) self._d_kd = cKDTree(self.vec) self._omega = omega if calcomega and self._omega is None: self.calc_omega(False) if write: self.dump()
[docs] def linear_interp(self, vm, srcvals, destvecs): xyp = vm.xyz2vxy(destvecs) xys = vm.xyz2vxy(self.vec) interp = LinearNDInterpolator(xys, srcvals, fill_value=-1) lum = interp(xyp[:, 0], xyp[:, 1]) if len(lum.shape) > 1: neg = np.min(lum, 1) < 0 else: neg = lum < 0 i, d = self.query_ray(destvecs[neg]) lum[neg] = srcvals[i] return lum
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_interp(i, srcvals, weights=None): if weights is None: return srcvals[i] else: return np.average(srcvals[i], 1, weights)
def _content_mask(self, rt, destvecs, i, srfnormtol=5.0, disttol=0.5): pts = np.hstack(np.broadcast_arrays([None], self.vec)) pts_o = np.hstack(np.broadcast_arrays([None], destvecs)) # store engine state targs = rt.args tospec = rt.ospec rt.set_args(rt.directargs) rt.update_ospec("LNM") sgeo = rt(pts) sgeo_o = rt(pts_o) # restore engine state rt.set_args(targs) rt.update_ospec(tospec) mods = sgeo[:, 4].astype(int) norms = np.arccos(sgeo[:, 1:4]) dist = sgeo[:, 0] mods_o = sgeo_o[:, 4].astype(int) norms_o = np.arccos(sgeo_o[:, 1:4]) dist_o = sgeo_o[:, 0] mod_match = np.equal(mods[i], mods_o[:, None]) norm_match = np.all( np.isclose(norms[i], norms_o[:, None], atol=srfnormtol*np.pi/180), axis=2) dist_match = np.abs(dist[i] - dist_o[:, None]) < disttol all_match = np.all((mod_match, norm_match, dist_match), axis=0) # make sure atleast the closest match is flagged true all_match[np.sum(all_match, 1) == 0, 0] = True return all_match @staticmethod def _weight_distance(d): # get var on distance (from true mean zero) dvar = np.mean(np.square(d), axis=1)[:, None] # scale distance on gaussian as weight return np.exp(-np.square(d)/(2*dvar)) def _weight_lum(self, i): # get variance on lum lum = np.max(self.lum.reshape(self.lum.shape[0], -1)[i], axis=-1) dlum = lum - np.mean(lum, axis=1)[:, None] lvar = np.mean(np.square(dlum), axis=1)[:, None] mask = lvar.ravel() == 0 lvar[mask] = 1 dlum[mask] = 0 # scale distance on gaussian as weight return np.exp(-np.square(dlum)/(2*lvar)) def _weight_angle(self, destvecs, i): # project to interpolation point and calculate theta ymtx, pmtx = translate.rmtx_yp(destvecs) nv = np.einsum("vij,vkj,vli->vkl", ymtx, self.vec[i], pmtx) ang = np.arctan2(nv[..., 1], nv[..., 0]) + np.pi # resort by theta asr = np.argsort(ang) ang = np.take_along_axis(ang, asr, axis=1) # pad and estimate local density ang2 = np.hstack((ang[:, -2:] - 2*np.pi, ang, 2*np.pi + ang[:, 0:2])) # weighted average of nearby less than lookb = correlate1d(ang2, [-1/6, -1/3, .5], origin=1) # weighted average of nearby greater than lookf = correlate1d(ang2, [-.5, 1/3, 1/6], origin=-1) # total local variance in nearby return (lookb[:, 2:-2] + lookf[:, 2:-2]), asr
[docs] def interp(self, destvecs, bandwidth=10, rt=None, lum=True, angle=True, dither=False, **kwargs): d, i = self.d_kd.query(destvecs, bandwidth) w = self._weight_distance(d) if lum: w *= self._weight_lum(i) cf = None if rt is not None: content = self._content_mask(rt, destvecs, i) w[np.logical_not(content)] *= 0.001 cf = np.all(content, 1) if angle: if cf is not None: asr = np.tile(np.arange(bandwidth)[:, None], len(destvecs)).T angw = np.ones_like(w) angwcf, asrcf = self._weight_angle(destvecs[cf], i[cf]) asr[cf] = asrcf angw[cf] = angwcf else: angw, asr = self._weight_angle(destvecs, i) w = np.take_along_axis(w, asr, axis=1) * angw i = np.take_along_axis(i, asr, axis=1) w = w / np.sum(w, axis=-1)[:, None] if dither: dc = np.cumsum(w, 1) c = np.random.default_rng().random(len(destvecs)) ic = np.array(list(map(np.searchsorted, dc, c)))[:, None] i = np.take_along_axis(i, ic, 1).ravel() w = None elif self.features > 1: w = np.broadcast_to(w[..., None], w.shape + (self.features,)) return i, w