Source code for raytraverse.mapper.planmapper

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# Copyright (c) 2019 Stephen Wasilewski
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import re

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.path import Path
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
from shapely.ops import unary_union

from raytools import io
from raytools.mapper.mapper import Mapper

[docs] class PlanMapper(Mapper): """translate between world positions on a horizontal plane and normalized UV space for a given view angle. pixel projection yields a parallel plan projection Parameters ---------- area: str np.array, optional radiance scene geometry defining a plane to sample, tsv file of points to generate bounding box, or np.array of points. if area is a radiance scene, or a 3d array of points, vertices are used to directly define the borders of the planmapper. if the array is 2d (or loaded from a tsv) points are used to generate an offset (see ptres) convexhull. points are stored as candidates for use as a static point sampler (jitter=false and level=0). ptres: float, optional resolution for considering points duplicates, border generation (1/2) and add_grid(). updateable rotation: float, optional positive Z rotation for point grid alignment zheight: float, optional override calculated zheight name: str, optional plan mapper name used for output file naming jitterrate: float, optional proportion of cell to jitter within autorotate: bool, optional if true set rotation based on long axis of area geometry autogrid: int, optional if given, autoset ptres based on this minimum number of points at level 0 along the minimum dimemsion (width or height) """ def __init__(self, area, ptres=1.0, rotation=0.0, zheight=None, name="plan", jitterrate=0.5, autorotate=False, autogrid=None): if autorotate: rotation = self.__class__(area, autorotate=False, autogrid=None)._auto_rotate() if autogrid is not None: pm = self.__class__(area, autorotate=False, autogrid=None) hv = pm.bbox[1] - pm.bbox[0] if hv[0] > hv[1]: ptres = hv[1]/(autogrid - 1) - 1e-3 else: ptres = hv[0]/(autogrid - 1) - 1e-3 #: float: ccw rotation (in degrees) for point grid on plane self.rotation = rotation #: float: point resolution for area look ups and grid self.ptres = ptres self._bbox = None self._zheight = zheight self._path = [] self._candidates = None self._boundary = None xyz = self.update_bbox(area, updatez=zheight is None) super().__init__(dxyz=xyz, name=name, sf=self._sf, bbox=self.bbox, jitterrate=jitterrate) @property def dxyz(self): """(float, float, float) central view point""" return self._dxyz @dxyz.setter def dxyz(self, xyz): """set view parameters""" self._dxyz = np.asarray(xyz).ravel()[0:3] @property def rotation(self): return self._rotation @rotation.setter def rotation(self, r): cos = np.cos(r*np.pi/180) sin = np.sin(r*np.pi/180) rmtx = np.array([[cos, sin, 0], [-sin, cos, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) self._rmtx = (rmtx, np.eye(3)) self._rotation = r @property def bbox(self): """np.array: boundary frame for translating between coordinates [[xmin ymin zmin] [xmax ymax zmax]]""" return self._bbox
[docs] def update_bbox(self, plane, level=0, updatez=True): """handle bounding box generation from plane or points""" # check if plane is set of vertices (list or array of arrays) try: try: if len(plane.shape) != 3: raise IndexError except AttributeError: if not np.all([len(i.shape) == 2 for i in plane]): raise IndexError # handle points from file or array-like, or radiance scene except (AttributeError, IndexError): try: points = np.atleast_2d(io.load_txt(plane))[:, 0:3] paths, z = self._calc_border(points, level) except TypeError: points = np.atleast_2d(plane)[:, 0:3] paths, z = self._calc_border(points, level) except ValueError: paths, z = self._rad_scene_to_paths(plane) # handle 3d list: else: paths, z = self._vertices_to_paths(plane) bbox = np.full((2, 2), np.inf) bbox[1] *= -1 for p in paths: bbox[0] = np.minimum(np.amin(p, 0), bbox[0]) bbox[1] = np.maximum(np.amax(p, 0), bbox[1]) self._bbox = bbox if updatez: self._zheight = z xyz = np.concatenate((np.average(self.bbox, 0), [self._zheight])) self._sf = self.bbox[1] - self.bbox[0] self._path = [] for pt in paths: if np.allclose(pt[0], pt[-1]): p = pt else: p = np.concatenate((pt, [pt[0]])) p = (p - bbox[0, 0:2])/self._sf xy = Path(p, closed=True) self._path.append(xy) return xyz
[docs] def uv2xyz(self, uv, stackorigin=False): """transform from mapper UV space to world xyz""" uvshape = uv.shape uv = self.bbox[None, 0] + np.reshape(uv, (-1, 2))*self._sf[None, :] pt = np.hstack((uv, np.full((len(uv), 1), self._zheight))) return self.view2world(pt).reshape(*uvshape[:-1], 3)
[docs] def in_view_uv(self, uv, indices=True, **kwargs): path = self._path uvs = uv.reshape(-1, 2) result = np.empty((len(path), uvs.shape[0]), bool) for i, p in enumerate(path): result[i] = p.contains_points(uvs) mask = np.any(result, 0) if indices: return np.unravel_index(np.arange(mask.size)[mask], uv.shape[:-1]) else: return mask
[docs] def in_view(self, vec, indices=True): """check if point is in boundary path Parameters ---------- vec: np.array xyz coordinates, shape (N, 3) indices: bool, optional return indices of True items rather than boolean array Returns ------- mask: np.array boolean array, shape (N,) """ return self.in_view_uv(self.xyz2uv(vec), indices)
[docs] def header(self, **kwargs): vp = self.dxyz vu = self.view2world([0, 1, 0])[0] vs = self.bbox[1] - self.bbox[0] return ("VIEW= -vtl -vp {} {} {} -vu {} {} {} ".format(*vp, *vu) + "-vd 0 0 -1 -vh {} -vv {}".format(vs[0], vs[1]))
[docs] def borders(self): """world coordinate vertices of planmapper boundaries""" return [self.uv2xyz(p.vertices) for p in self._path]
@property def boundary(self): if self._boundary is None: self._boundary = unary_union([Polygon(b) for b in self.borders()]) return self._boundary
[docs] def bbox_vertices(self, offset=0, close=False): b = self.bbox v = [(b[0, 0] - offset, b[0, 1] - offset, self._zheight), (b[1, 0] + offset, b[0, 1] - offset, self._zheight), (b[1, 0] + offset, b[1, 1] + offset, self._zheight), (b[0, 0] - offset, b[1, 1] + offset, self._zheight)] if close: v.append(v[0]) return self.view2world(np.asarray(v))
[docs] def shape(self, level=0): return np.ceil(self._sf/self.ptres - 1e-4).astype(int)*2**level
[docs] def point_grid(self, jitter=True, level=0, masked=True, snap=None): """generate a grid of points Parameters ---------- jitter: bool, optional if None, use the instance default, if True jitters point samples within stratified grid level: int, optional sets the resolution of the grid as a power of 2 from ptres masked: bool, optional apply in_view to points before returning snap: int, optional level to snap samples to when jitter=False should be > level Returns ------- np.array shape (N, 3) """ return self.uv2xyz(self.point_grid_uv(jitter, level, masked, snap))
[docs] def point_grid_uv(self, jitter=True, level=0, masked=True, snap=None): """add a grid of UV coordinates Parameters ---------- jitter: bool, optional if None, use the instance default, if True jitters point samples within stratified grid level: int, optional sets the resolution of the grid as a power of 2 from ptres masked: bool, optional apply in_view to points before returning snap: int, optional level to snap samples to when jitter=False should be > level Returns ------- np.array shape (N, 2) """ # bypasses grid when initialized with points shape = self.shape(level) idx = np.arange(np.product(shape)) uv = self.idx2uv(idx, shape, jitter) if level == 0 and not jitter and self._candidates is not None: uvup = self.xyz2uv(self._candidates) uv[:] = self.bbox[1] * 2 uv[self.uv2idx(uvup, shape)] = uvup elif not jitter and snap is not None and snap > level: s2 = self.shape(snap) uv -= .5 / s2 uv += np.random.default_rng().integers(0, 2, uv.shape)/s2 if masked: return uv[self.in_view_uv(uv, False)] else: return uv
def _auto_rotate(self): v = np.vstack(self.borders()) ll = v[np.isclose(self.bbox[0, 0], v[:, 0])] ll = ll[np.argmin(ll[:, 1])] ul = v[np.isclose(self.bbox[1, 1], v[:, 1])] ul = ul[np.argmin(ul[:, 0])] ur = v[np.isclose(self.bbox[1, 0], v[:, 0])] ur = ur[np.argmax(ur[:, 1])] lr = v[np.isclose(self.bbox[0, 1], v[:, 1])] lr = lr[np.argmax(lr[:, 0])] vaxis = np.average((ul - ll, ur - lr), 0) haxis = np.average((lr - ll, ur - ul), 0) hv = np.linalg.norm((haxis, vaxis), axis=1) if hv[0] > hv[1]: rotation = np.arccos([0], (1, 0, 0)))*180/np.pi else: rotation = np.arccos([1], (0, 1, 0)))*180/np.pi return rotation def _rad_scene_to_paths(self, plane): """reads a radiance scene for polygons, and sets bounding paths zheight of plan (unless PlanMapper initialized with a zheight) will be set to the maximum height of all polygons in scene. Ignores all objects in scene that are not polygons. Parameters ---------- plane: str path to radiance scene file with polygons defined as:: void polygon a 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 void polygon b 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Returns ------- """ with open(plane, 'r') as f: dl = [i for i in re.split(r'[\n\r]+', if not bool(re.match(r'#', i))] rad = " ".join(dl).split() pgs = [i for i, x in enumerate(rad) if x == "polygon"] paths = [] zs = [] for pg in pgs: npt = int(int(rad[pg + 4])/3) pt = np.reshape([i for i in rad[pg + 5:pg + 5 + npt*3]], (npt, 3)).astype(float) zs.append(pt[:, 2]) pt2 = self.world2view(pt) paths.append(pt2[:, 0:2]) z = np.median(np.concatenate(zs)) return paths, z def _vertices_to_paths(self, plane): """interprets list of arrays as boundary paths""" paths = [] zs = [] for pt in plane: zs.append(pt[:, 2]) pt2 = self.world2view(pt) paths.append(pt2[:, 0:2]) z = np.median(np.concatenate(zs)) return paths, z def _calc_border(self, points, level=0): """generate a border from convex hull of points interprets points as candidates""" self._candidates = points o = self.ptres/2**(level + 1) try: if len(points) < 4: raise RuntimeError hull = ConvexHull(points[:, 0:2]) except RuntimeError: offset = np.array([[o, o], [o, -o], [-o, -o], [-o, o]]) pts = (points[:, 0:2] + offset[:, None]).reshape(-1, 2) else: hp = hull.points[hull.vertices] cp = np.average(hp, 0) vp = hp - cp asr = np.argsort(np.arctan2(vp[:, 0], vp[:, 1])) shp = hp[asr] p = LineString(np.concatenate((shp, shp[0:2]))) b = p.offset_curve(o, join_style=2, mitre_limit=50) pts = np.array(b.xy).T z = np.median(points[:, 2]) hull = ConvexHull(pts) pt = hull.points[hull.vertices] pt2 = np.full((pt.shape[0], 3), z) pt2[:, 0:2] = pt pt2 = self.world2view(pt2) return pt2[None, :, 0:2], z