Source code for raytraverse.renderer.imagerenderer

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# Copyright (c) 2020 Stephen Wasilewski, HSLU and EPFL
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import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator

from raytools import io
from raytraverse.mapper import ViewMapper

[docs] class ImageRenderer: """interface to treat image data as the source for ray tracing results not implemented as a singleton, so multiple instances can exist in parallel. Parameters ---------- scene: str path to hdr image file with projection matching ViewMapper viewmapper: raytraverse.mapper.ViewMapper, optional if None, assumes 180 degree angular fisheye (vta) method: str, optional passed to scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator """ def __init__(self, scene, viewmapper=None, method="linear", color=False, uv=False): self.srcn = 1 if color: self.features = 3 self.scene = io.hdr2carray(scene) else: self.features = 1 self.scene = io.hdr2array(scene) fimg = self.scene if viewmapper is None: if fimg.shape[0] > fimg.shape[1]: self.vm = ViewMapper() else: self.vm = ViewMapper(viewangle=180) else: self.vm = viewmapper if uv: self.transform = self.vm.xyz2uv else: self.transform = self.vm.xyz2vxy res = fimg.shape[1] of = .5/res self.args = f"interpolation: {method}" x = np.linspace(of, fimg.shape[0]/res - of, fimg.shape[0]) y = np.linspace(of, 1 - of, res) fv = np.median(np.concatenate((fimg[0], fimg[-1], fimg[:, 0], fimg[:, -1]), 0), 0) self.instance = RegularGridInterpolator((x, y), fimg, bounds_error=False, method=method, fill_value=fv) def __call__(self, rays): """tranforms rays to 2-D image space before calling interpolator Parameters ---------- rays: np.array Returns ------- np.array """ pxy = self.transform(rays[:, 3:6]) return self.instance(pxy)
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """alias for call, for consistency with SamplerPt classes for nested dimensions of evaluation""" return self(args[0])