Source code for raytraverse.sampler.draw

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# Copyright (c) 2020 Stephen Wasilewski, HSLU and EPFL
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"""wavelet and associated probability functions."""
import numpy as np
from craytraverse.craytraverse import from_pdf as c_from_pdf
from scipy.ndimage import convolve

[docs] def get_detail(data, *args, mode='reflect', cval=0.0): """convolve a set of kernels with data. computes the sum of the absolute values of each convolution. Parameters ---------- data: np.array source data (atleast 2D), detail calculated over last 2D args: np.array filters mode: str signal extension mode (passed to scipy.ndimage.convolve) cval: float constant value (passed to scipy.ndimage.convolve, used when mode='constant') Returns ------- detail_array: np.array 1d array of detail coefficients (row major order) matching size of data """ d_det = [] s = data.reshape(-1, *data.shape[-2:]) for d in s: ds = np.zeros_like(d) for f in args: ds += np.abs(convolve(d, f, mode=mode, cval=cval)) d_det.append(ds.ravel()) return np.concatenate(d_det)
[docs] def from_pdf(pdf, threshold, lb=.5, ub=4, minsamp=0): """generate choices from a numeric probability distribution Parameters ---------- pdf: np.array 1-d array of weights threshold: float the threshold used to determine the number of choices to draw given by pdf > threshold lb: float, optional values below threshold * lb will be excluded from candidates (lb must be in (0,1) ub: float, optional the maximum weight is set to ub*threshold, meaning all values in pdf >= to ub*threshold have an equal chance of being selected. in cases where extreme values are much higher than moderate values, but 100% sampling of extreme areas should be avoided, this value should be lower, such as when a region is sampled at a very high resolution ( as is the case with directional sampling). On the other hand, set this value higher for sampling schemes with a low final resolution (like area sampling). If ub <= 1, then a deterministic choice is made, returning the idx of all values in pdf > threshold. Returns ------- idx: np.array an index array of choices, size varies. """ # bypass random sampling if ub <= 1: idx = np.argwhere(pdf > threshold).ravel() if idx.size < minsamp: idx = np.array([0]) return idx pdf[pdf > ub*threshold] = ub*threshold candidates, bidx, nsampc = c_from_pdf(pdf, threshold, lb=lb, ub=ub+1) nsampc = max(nsampc, minsamp) if nsampc == 0: return bidx # if normalization happens in c-func floating point precision does not # guarantee that pdfc adds to 1, which choice() requires. nperr = np.seterr(all="raise") try: pdfc = pdf[candidates]/np.sum(pdf[candidates]) if candidates.size == 0: raise ValueError except (FloatingPointError, ValueError): cidx = np.random.default_rng().integers(pdf.size, size=nsampc) else: cidx = np.random.default_rng().choice(candidates, nsampc, replace=False, p=pdfc) np.seterr(**nperr) return np.concatenate((bidx, cidx))