Source code for raytraverse.sampler.skysamplerpt

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020 Stephen Wasilewski, HSLU and EPFL
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import numpy as np

from raytraverse.sampler.samplerpt import SamplerPt
from raytraverse.lightpoint import LightPointKD
from raytools import translate

[docs] class SkySamplerPt(SamplerPt): """sample contributions from the sky hemisphere according to a square grid transformed by shirley-chiu mapping using rcontrib. Parameters ---------- scene: raytraverse.scene.Scene scene class containing geometry, location and analysis plane scene: str, optional (required if not reload) space separated list of radiance scene files (no sky) or octree engine: raytraverse.renderer.Rcontrib initialized rendering instance """ def __init__(self, scene, engine, **kwargs): super().__init__(scene, engine, srcn=engine.srcn, stype='sky', **kwargs) def _run_callback(self, point, posidx, vm, write=True, **kwargs): """include sky patch source dirs""" srcdirs = translate.skybin2xyz(np.arange(self.srcn), self.engine.skyres) lightpoint = LightPointKD(self.scene, self.vecs, self.lum, vm=vm, src=self.stype, srcdir=srcdirs, pt=point, write=write, srcn=self.srcn, posidx=posidx, **kwargs) return lightpoint