raytraverse (1.2.2)

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raytraverse is a complete workflow for climate based daylight modelling, simulation, and evaluation of architectural spaces. Built around a wavelet guided adaptive sampling strategy, raytraverse can fully explore the daylight conditions throughout a space with efficient use of processing power and storage space.


The easiest way to install raytraverse is with pip:

pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pip install raytraverse

or if you have cloned this repository:

cd path/to/this/file
pip install .

note that on first run the skycalc module may download some auxilary data which could take a minute, after that first run start-up is much faster.


raytraverse includes a complete command line interface with all commands nested under the raytraverse parent command enter:

raytraverse --help

raytraverse also exposes an object oriented API written primarily in python. calls to Radiance are made through Renderer objects that wrap the radiance c source code in c++ classes, which are made available in python with pybind11. see the src/ directory for more.

For complete documentation of the API and the command line interface either use the Documentation link included above or:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
make docs

to generate local documentation.

Getting Started

the following example script shows the basic workflow for a complete simulation it can be saved to a local file with:

raytraverse examplescript > example.py

or the file is located at raytraverse/example.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020 Stephen Wasilewski, HSLU and EPFL
# =======================================================================
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# =======================================================================

"""example script for raytraverse."""

import numpy as np
from raytraverse.mapper import PlanMapper, SkyMapper, ViewMapper
from raytraverse.scene import Scene
from raytraverse.renderer import Rtrace, Rcontrib
from raytraverse.sampler import SkySamplerPt, SamplerArea, SamplerSuns
from raytraverse.sky import SkyData, skycalc
from raytraverse.lightfield import LightResult
from raytraverse.evaluate import MetricSet

# -------------------
# update these values
# -------------------

# output directory where are simulation results are written
out = "outdir"
# the radiance scene files (all materials and geometries, no sources)
scene_files = "room.rad"
# a horizontal analysis plane, for this demo should be 2x2 (or change ptres)
zone = "plane.rad"
# an 8760 epw or wea file with location data. although note that wea files
# do not include dew-point, a potentially important parameter of the perez
# sky model.
epw = "weather.epw"
# an output file path for writing compressed binary results
output = "metrics.npz"

# NOTE: many of the setting overrides are for demonstration only
# and may not yield accurate or meaningful results, they are accuracy
# reductions made in order for this script to run quickly (less than 1 minute on
# a reasonably fast laptop).
# In this example, only directions are dynamically sampled, but position and
# solar sources are sampled for 1 level only at a low resolution. to sample
# points dynamically, set SamplerArea(nlev=3, jitter=True).  To dynamically
# sample suns, change  SamplerSuns(nlev=3) or other appropriate level.
# refer to the documentation for adjusting the sampling scheme used in
# directional sampling (SamplerPt, SkySamplerPt, SunSamplerPt).
def main():
    loc = skycalc.get_loc_epw(epw)
    # Make octree, manage output file directory
    scn = Scene(out, scene_files)
    # initialize sampling schemes and boundaries for position and solar source
    # sampling
    pm = PlanMapper(zone, ptres=2.0)
    sm = SkyMapper(loc=loc)
    # initialize rendering engines (note settings are appended to
    # Renderer.defaultargs, which are different from rtrace/rcontrib defaults)
    rcontrib = Rcontrib("-ab 2 -ad 4 -c 1000", scene=scn.scene)
    rtrace = Rtrace("-ab 2 -c 1", scene=scn.scene)

    # initialize sky point sampler and then call an area sampler to simulate
    # sky contribution
    sk_engine = SkySamplerPt(scn, rcontrib, accuracy=2.0)
    skysampler = SamplerArea(scn, sk_engine, accuracy=2.0, nlev=1, jitter=False)
    skyfield = skysampler.run(pm)

    # to modify parameters for sun/pt sampler pass arguments to the ptkwargs
    # argument of SamperSuns
    ptkwargs = dict(accuracy=2.0)
    areakwargs = dict(accuracy=2.0, nlev=1, jitter=False)
    sunsampler = SamplerSuns(scn, rtrace, nlev=1,
                             ptkwargs=ptkwargs, areakwargs=areakwargs)

    daylightfield = sunsampler.run(sm, pm, specguide=skyfield)
    # calculate sky patch and sun contributions
    sd = SkyData(epw)

    # make a set of points to evaluate (here a regular grid at the final
    # sampling level (assuming nlev=2)
    pts = pm.point_grid(False, 1)

    # The raytraverse.lightfield.DayLightPlaneKD object holds the complete
    # sampling results. individual point data can be loaded by querying with
    # a 6 element solar position and plan cooordinate
    # the first sun in skydata:
    sun = sd.sun[0, 0:3]
    # the first point in our grid:
    pt = pts[0]
    i, d = daylightfield.query((*sun, *pt))
    sun_lightpoint = daylightfield.data[i[0]]
    # we can also query for the closest skypoint:
    j, d = daylightfield.skyplane.query(pt)
    sky_lightpoint = daylightfield.skyplane.data[j]
    # for energy conserving operations (avg luminance, illuminance, an image)
    # we can evaluate the lightpoints seperately and then add, but for
    # general analysis we need to combiine the points first:
    sun_sky_point = sky_lightpoint.add(sun_lightpoint)
    # because the sources are combined now we need to concatenate the solar
    # value onto the rest of the skyvector:
    skyvec = np.concatenate((sd.smtx[0], sd.sun[0, 3]), axis=None)

    # and now we can make an hdr image:
    vm = ViewMapper((0, -1, 0), viewangle=180)
    # file named by hour of year
    outf = f"hour_{sd.maskindices[0]:04d}.hdr"
    sun_sky_point.make_image(outf, skyvec, vm)

    # or calculate DGP and UGP:
    vol = sun_sky_point.evaluate(skyvec, vm)
    metrics = MetricSet(*vol, vm)
    print(f"DGP: {metrics.dgp} UGP: {metrics.ugp}")

    # for larger sets of metric evaluations, DaylightPlaneKD has its' own
    # evaluate function to do bulk processing (also will use multiprocessing)
    # Note that you can mask the SkyData object to limit the evaluation
    # such as to only the first day of the year:
    sd.mask = np.arange(24)

    # view directions
    vdirs = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0]],dtype=float)
    # choose from ["illum", "avglum", "gcr", "ugp", "dgp", "tasklum", "backlum",
    # "dgp_t1", "log_gc", "dgp_t2", "ugr", "threshold", "pwsl2", "view_area",
    # "backlum_true", "srcillum", "srcarea", "maxlum"] or inherit
    # raytraverse.evaluate.MetricSet and pass metricclass=YourMetricClass
    metrics = ['illum', 'dgp', 'ugp']
    result = daylightfield.evaluate(sd, pts, vdirs, metrics=metrics)

    # to reload these results:
    result = LightResult(output)

    # this result object stores a 4D array:
    # (sky, point, view, metric)
    # to reshape/slice results for viewing or analysis, use the pull method:
    # here we get  the south facing view for the first point in our grid:
    data, axes, names = result.pull("sky", "metric", findices=[[0], [3]])
    print("hour", *axes[2])
    for d, h in zip(data[0], axes[1]):
        print(h, *d)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Command Line Interface

The raytraverse command provides command line access to executing common tasks. The best way to manage all of the options is with a .cfg file. First, generate a template:

raytraverse --template > options.cfg

and then edit the options for each file. To duplicate the run shown in the example script above save the following to options.cfg:

out = outdir
scene = room.rad

ptres = 2.0
zone = plane.rad

loc = weather.epw
epwloc = True

wea = weather.epw

accuracy = 2.0
rayargs = -ab 2 -ad 4 -c 1000

accuracy = 2.0
rayargs = -ab 2 -c 1

accuracy = 2.0
jitter = True
nlev = 2
overwrite = False

accuracy = 2.0
nlev = 2
srcaccuracy = 2.0

and then from the command line run:

raytraverse -c options.cfg skyrun sunrun



Either the latest or specific releases of this software are archived with a DOI at zenodo. See: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4091318

Additionally, please cite this conference paper for a description of the directional sampling and integration method:

Stephen Wasilewski, Lars O. Grobe, Roland Schregle, Jan Wienold, and Marilyne Andersen. 2021. Raytraverse: Navigating the Lightfield to Enhance Climate-Based Daylight Modeling. In 2021 Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation in Architecture and Urban Design.


Copyright (c) 2020 Stephen Wasilewski, HSLU and EPFL
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


Thanks to additional project collaborators and advisors Marilyne Andersen, Lars Grobe, Roland Schregle, Jan Wienold, and Stephen Wittkopf

This software development was financially supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation as part of the ongoing research project “Light fields in climate-based daylight modeling for spatio-temporal glare assessment” (SNSF #179067).

Software Credits

  • Raytraverse uses Radiance

  • As well as all packages listed in the requirements.txt file, raytraverse relies heavily on the Python packages numpy, scipy, and for key parts of the implementation.

  • C++ bindings, including exposing core radiance functions as methods to the renderer classes are made with pybind11

  • Installation and building from source uses cmake and scikit-build

  • This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.