Source code for raytraverse.api

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# Copyright (c) 2020 Stephen Wasilewski, HSLU and EPFL
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"""factory functions for easy api access raytraverse."""
import os

import configparser
from clasp.click_ext import ConfigSectionMap

from raytraverse import io
from raytraverse.integrator import Integrator
from raytraverse.scene import Scene
from import SkyData
from raytraverse.mapper import PlanMapper
from raytraverse.lightfield import SunsPlaneKD, LightPlaneKD
from raytraverse.lightpoint import LightPointKD

[docs]def get_config(config, com="raytraverse_"): """load a config file into a dict Parameters ---------- config: str path to .cfg file with sections raytarverse_* com: str basename of commands in .cfg file Returns ------- result: dict """ parser = configparser.ConfigParser( interpolation=configparser.ExtendedInterpolation()) gargs = {} for section in parser.keys(): subc = section.replace(com, "") gargs[subc] = ConfigSectionMap(parser, section) return gargs
[docs]def auto_reload(scndir, area, areaname="plan", skydata="skydata", ptres=1.0, rotation=0.0, zheight=None): """reload associated class instances from file paths Parameters ---------- scndir: str matches outdir argument of Scene() area: str np.array radiance scene geometry defining a plane to sample, tsv file of points to generate bounding box, or np.array of points. areaname: str, optional matches name argument of PlanMapper() skydata: str, optional matches name argument of SkyData.write() ptres: float, optional resolution for considering points duplicates, border generation (1/2) and add_grid(). updateable rotation: float, optional positive Z rotation for point grid alignment zheight: float, optional override calculated zheight Returns ------- Scene PlanMapper SkyData """ if not os.path.exists(scndir): raise FileNotFoundError(f"auto_reload is only for reloading existing " f"scenes. {scndir} does not exist") scn = Scene(scndir) if not os.path.isfile(f"{scndir}/{skydata}.npz"): raise FileNotFoundError(f"auto_reload is only for reloading existing " f"skydata. {scndir}/{skydata}.npz does not " f"exist") skd = SkyData(f"{scndir}/{skydata}.npz") pm = PlanMapper(area, name=areaname, ptres=ptres, rotation=rotation, zheight=zheight) return scn, pm, skd
[docs]def load_lp(path, hasparent=True): """load a lightpoint from a file will try to get appropriate scene/zone information from file path but reverts to a lightpoint without correct meta-data if it does not have the appropriate nesting. Parameters ---------- path: str relative path to .rytpt file hasparent: bool, optional was sampled within a zone (typical), set to false in the case that the lightpoint file is multiple folders deep from CWD but was not sampled within a zone (meaning you used a samplerpt class, not typical). Returns ------- LightPointKD """ try: if hasparent: try: ftree = path.rsplit("/", 3) scndir = ftree[-4] parent = ftree[-3] except IndexError: ftree = path.rsplit("/", 2) scndir = ftree[-3] parent = None else: ftree = path.rsplit("/", 2) scndir = ftree[-3] parent = None except IndexError: return LightPointKD(path) else: scn = Scene(scndir) pidx = int(ftree[-1].split(".")[0]) try: pts = io.load_txt(path.replace(f"/{ftree[-1]}", "_points.tsv")) except FileNotFoundError: pt = (0, 0, 0) else: try: pt = pts[pidx, -3:] except IndexError: pt = pts[-3:] return LightPointKD(scn, parent=parent, src=ftree[-2], posidx=pidx, pt=pt)
stypes = ('1comp', '2comp', '3comp', '1compdv', 'directview', 'directpatch', 'sunonly', 'sunpatch', 'skyonly') stypedescriptions = { '1comp': "standard DC method, sky patch only, full contribution depending " "on skyengine settings", '2comp': "sky patch for sky contribution, sun run for sun contribution, " "depth of contributions depends on skyengine and sunengine " "settings, no approximation for sun from sky patch", '3comp': "2-phase DDS, sky handles sky+indirect sun, sun handles direct sun" " requires directskyrun -ab 1 and sunrun -ab 0", '1compdv': "standad DC method, but with direct view replacement of sun and" " specular reflections", 'directview': "only evaluate srcviewpts (direct views to sun and specular " "reflections", 'directpatch': "only evaluate results from dskyrun", 'sunonly': "only evaluate results from sunrun", 'sunpatch': "use skyrun results to evaluate sun contribution", 'skyonly': "use skyrun to evaluate sky contribution only" } stypedocstring = "\n".join([f" - {k}: {v}" for k,v in stypedescriptions.items()])
[docs]def get_integrator(scn, pm, srcname="suns", simtype="2comp", sunviewengine=None): req_sun = ('2comp', '3comp', 'directview', 'sunonly') req_sky = ('1comp', '2comp', '3comp', 'sunpatch', 'skyonly', '1compdv') req_dsk = ('3comp', 'directpatch', '1compdv') sunfile = f"{scn.outdir}/{}/{srcname}_sunpositions.tsv" skpoints = f"{scn.outdir}/{}/sky_points.tsv" dskpoints = f"{scn.outdir}/{}/skydcomp_points.tsv" try: sunplane = SunsPlaneKD(scn, sunfile, pm, f"{srcname}_sun") except OSError: if simtype in req_sun: raise OSError(f"file: {sunfile} does not exist, make sure that a" f" complete sun sampling exists") sunplane = None try: skyplane = LightPlaneKD(scn, skpoints, pm, "sky") except OSError: if simtype in req_sky: raise OSError(f"file: {skpoints} does not exist, make sure that a" f" complete sky sampling exists") skyplane = None try: dskplane = LightPlaneKD(scn, dskpoints, pm, "skydcomp") except OSError: if simtype in req_dsk: raise OSError(f"file: {dskpoints} does not exist, make sure that a" f" complete direct sky sampling exists") dskplane = None if simtype in ["1comp", "sunpatch", "skyonly"]: return Integrator(skyplane, includesky=simtype != "sunpatch", includesun=simtype != "skyonly", sunviewengine=sunviewengine) if simtype == "2comp": return Integrator(skyplane, sunplane, sunviewengine=sunviewengine) if simtype == "3comp": return Integrator(skyplane, dskplane, sunplane, sunviewengine=sunviewengine, ds=True) if simtype == "1compdv": return Integrator(skyplane, dskplane, sunviewengine=sunviewengine, dv=True) if simtype in ["directview", "sunonly"]: return Integrator(sunplane, includesky=False, sunviewengine=sunviewengine) if simtype == "directpatch": return Integrator(dskplane, includesky=False, sunviewengine=sunviewengine) try: srcpoints = f"{scn.outdir}/{}/{simtype}_points.tsv" srcplane = LightPlaneKD(scn, srcpoints, pm, simtype) except OSError: raise ValueError(f"Error loading {simtype}") else: return Integrator(srcplane, sunviewengine=sunviewengine)