Source code for raytraverse.integrator.sensorintegrator

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# Copyright (c) 2020 Stephen Wasilewski, HSLU and EPFL
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import numpy as np
from raytraverse import translate
from raytraverse.utility import pool_call

from raytraverse.lightfield import ZonalLightResult, ResultAxis, LightResult
from raytraverse.integrator.integrator import Integrator

[docs]class SensorIntegrator(Integrator): """collection of sensorplanes with evaluation routines Parameters ---------- lightplanes: Sequence[raytraverse.lightfield.SensorPlaneKD] ptype: Sequence[str] matching order of lightplanes, requires one for each: - "sky": represents sky with nsrcs = skydata - "skysun": represents sky+sun with nsrcs = skydata - "patch": represents sun contribution as patch - "sun": sun contribution - "fixed": does not respond to skydata (electric lighting) factors: Sequence[int], optional values, for each light plane to scale contribution of eeach light plane for example, provide (1, -1, 1) for ptype: ("skysun", "patch", "sun") for 2-phase DDS calculation. If not give, all are set to 1 scale: float, optional default output in lux (179) """ def __init__(self, *lightplanes, ptype=None, factors=None, scale=179., **kwargs): # argument checking if ptype is None: raise ValueError("ptype is required to initialize SensorIntegrator") if len(ptype) != len(lightplanes): raise ValueError(f"length of ptype ({len(ptype)}) does not match " f"# of lightplanes ({len(lightplanes)}") ptypes = ("sky", "skysun", "patch", "sun", "fixed") badtypes = [i for i in ptype if i not in ptypes] if len(badtypes) > 0: raise ValueError(f"Invalid value(s) for ptype: {badtypes} not in " f"{ptypes}") if factors is None: factors = [1] * len(lightplanes) if len(factors) != len(lightplanes): raise ValueError(f"length of factors ({len(factors)}) does not " f"match # of lightplanes ({len(lightplanes)}") # make sure no sunviewengine is passed kwargs.update(sunviewengine=None) # set sensor specific args self.sensors = lightplanes[0].sensors self.factors = [f * scale for f in factors] self.ptype = ptype super().__init__(*lightplanes, **kwargs)
[docs] def make_images(self, *args, **kwargs): raise ValueError("SensorIntegrator does not make_images")
[docs] def evaluate(self, skydata, points=None, vm=None, datainfo=False, stol=10, minsun=1, **kwargs): """apply sky data and view queries to daylightplane to return metrics parallelizes and optimizes run order. Parameters ---------- skydata: points: np.array, optional shape (N, 3), if None evaluates zone vm: ignored datainfo: Union[Sized[str], bool], optional include information about source data as additional metrics. Valid values include: ["pt_err", "pt_idx", "src_err", "src_idx"]. If True, includes all. zonal evaluation will only include src_err and src_idx stol: Union[float, int], optional maximum angle (in degrees) for matching sun vectors minsun: int, optional if atleast these many suns are not returned based on stol, directly query for this number of results (regardless of sun error) Returns ------- raytraverse.lightfield.LightResult """ # delegate to zonal_evaluate if (points is None and len(self._issunplane) > 0 and np.any(skydata.sun[:, 3] > 0)): return self.zonal_evaluate(skydata, self.lightplanes[0].pm, datainfo=datainfo, stol=stol, minsun=minsun, **kwargs) if points is None: points, skarea = self._get_fixed_points(self.lightplanes[0].pm) # include areas with points when available apoints = np.hstack((points, skarea[:, None])) else: points = np.atleast_2d(points) apoints = points sensors = self.sensors tidxs, skydatas, vecs = self._group_query(skydata, points) oshape = (len(skydata.maskindices), len(points), len(sensors), 1) self.scene.log(self, f"Evaluating {oshape[2]} sensors at {oshape[1]} " f"points under {oshape[0]} skies", True) fields = None sidx = [] for lp, sd, ti in zip(self.lightplanes, skydatas, tidxs): if len(ti) == len(points): data = np.einsum("hs,pnsf->hpnf", sd,[ti]) sidx.append(np.broadcast_to(ti[None], (len(sd), len(points))).ravel()) else: d =[ti].reshape(*oshape[0:3], sd.shape[1], oshape[3]) data = np.einsum("hs,hpnsf->hpnf", sd, d) sidx.append(ti) if fields is None: fields = data else: fields += data fields = fields.reshape(oshape) sinfo, dinfo = self._sinfo(datainfo, vecs, sidx, oshape[0:2]) if sinfo is not None: nshape = list(sinfo.shape) nshape[2] = fields.shape[2] sinfo = np.broadcast_to(sinfo, nshape) fields = np.concatenate((fields, sinfo), axis=-1) # compose axes: (skyaxis, ptaxis, viewaxis, metricaxis) axes = (ResultAxis(skydata.rowlabel[skydata.fullmask], f"sky"), ResultAxis(apoints, "point"), ResultAxis(sensors, "view"), ResultAxis(["illum"] + dinfo, "metric")) lr = LightResult(fields, *axes, boundary=self.lightplanes[0].pm) return lr
[docs] def zonal_evaluate(self, skydata, pm, vm=None, datainfo=False, stol=10, minsun=1, calcarea=True, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- see evaluate Returns ------- raytraverse.lightfield.ZonalLightResult """ # delegate back to evaluate if len(self._issunplane) == 0: return self.evaluate(skydata, datainfo=datainfo, stol=stol, minsun=minsun, **kwargs) self.scene.log(self, f"Evaluating {len(self.sensors)} sensors across " f"zone {} under {len(skydata.maskindices)} " f"skies", True) (sunmask, suns, pts, sundata, skarea) = self._zonal_group_query(skydata, pm, stol=stol, minsun=minsun, calcarea=calcarea) cnts = np.full(len(sunmask), len(pts)) cnts[sunmask] = [len(s) for s in sundata[0]] tcnt = np.sum(cnts) # seems to be sweet spot to chunk size, too large and bogged down # too small and lots of overhead, on test this is 4x faster than single # thread chunks = round(tcnt/20000) if chunks > 1: csize = int(np.ceil(len(sunmask)/chunks)) sdi = 0 chunkrng = np.arange(0, len(sunmask), csize) args = [] for ci in chunkrng: slc = slice(ci, ci+csize) sdc = np.sum(sunmask[slc]) sdlc = slice(sdi, sdi+sdc) sdi += sdc csundata = [j[sdlc] for j in sundata] args.append((slc, csundata)) rs = pool_call(self._evaluate_chunks, args, skydata, sunmask, suns, pts, skarea, desc="matrix multiplication") fields = np.concatenate([r[0] for r in rs], axis=0) serr = np.concatenate([r[1] for r in rs], axis=0) tidxs = np.concatenate([r[2] for r in rs], axis=1) areas = np.concatenate([r[3] for r in rs], axis=0) all_vecs = np.concatenate([r[4] for r in rs], axis=0) else: result = self._evaluate_chunk(skydata.smtx, sunmask, suns, pts, sundata, skarea) fields, serr, tidxs, areas, all_vecs = result oshape = (len(fields), len(self.sensors)) pmetrics = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'area'] if datainfo: sinfo, dinfo = self._zonal_sinfo(serr, tidxs, oshape + (2,)) if sinfo is not None: fields = np.concatenate((sinfo, fields), axis=-1) pmetrics += dinfo areas = np.broadcast_to(areas[:, None, None], oshape + (1,)) axes = [ResultAxis(skydata.rowlabel[skydata.fullmask], f"sky"), ResultAxis([], f"zone"), ResultAxis(self.sensors, "view"), ResultAxis(pmetrics + ["illum"], "metric")] strides = np.cumsum(cnts)[:-1] fvecs = np.broadcast_to(all_vecs[:, None, 3:], oshape + (3,)) fields = np.concatenate((fvecs, areas, fields), axis=-1) fields = np.split(fields, strides) return ZonalLightResult(fields, *axes, boundary=pm)
def _evaluate_chunks(self, slc, csundata, skydata, sunmask, suns, pts, skarea): """for parallel processing, avoids exploding memory""" return self._evaluate_chunk(skydata.smtx[slc], sunmask[slc], suns[slc], pts, csundata, skarea) def _evaluate_chunk(self, dsmtx, sunmask, suns, pts, sundata, skarea): result = self._unmask_data(dsmtx, sunmask, suns, pts, sundata, skarea) smtx, dsns, all_vecs, sunidx, serr, areas, cnts = result tidxs, skydatas = self._match_ragged(smtx, dsns, sunidx, all_vecs) fields = np.zeros((len(tidxs[0]), len(self.sensors), 1)) for lp, sd, ti in zip(self.lightplanes, skydatas, tidxs): fields += np.einsum("ps,pnsf->pnf", sd,[ti]) return fields, serr, tidxs, areas, all_vecs def _match_ragged(self, smtx, dsns, sunidx, all_vecs): tidxs = [] skydatas = [] if "patch" in self.ptype or "skysun" in self.ptype: skpatch = translate.xyz2skybin(dsns[:, 0:3], int((smtx.shape[1] - 1)**.5)) dsk = np.zeros(smtx.shape) dsk[np.arange(len(dsk)), skpatch] = dsns[:, 4] else: dsk = None for p, f, lp in zip(self.ptype, self.factors, self.lightplanes): if p == "sky": skydatas.append(smtx * f) tidxs.append(lp.query(all_vecs[:, 3:])[0]) elif p == "patch": skydatas.append(dsk * f) tidxs.append(lp.query(all_vecs[:, 3:])[0]) elif p == "sun": skydatas.append(dsns[:, 3:4] * f) tidxs.append(sunidx) elif p == "skysun": skydatas.append((smtx + dsk) * f) tidxs.append(lp.query(all_vecs[:, 3:])[0]) else: skydatas.append(np.full((len(dsns), 1), f)) tidxs = np.stack(tidxs) return tidxs, skydatas def _group_query(self, skydata, points): """for sensor integration broadcasting happens in the summation, so this function is just allocating the correct points and sky matrix only vecs is broadcast to the actual result size""" # query and group sun positions suns = skydata.sun[:, None, 0:3] pts = np.atleast_2d(points)[None, :] vecs = np.concatenate(np.broadcast_arrays(suns, pts), -1).reshape(-1, 6) skydatas = self._select_sky_grid(skydata) idxs = [] for lp in self.lightplanes: if lp.vecs.shape[1] == 6: idxs.append(lp.query(vecs)[0]) else: idxs.append(lp.query(points)[0]) return idxs, skydatas, vecs def _select_sky_grid(self, skydata): skydatas = [] for p, f, lp in zip(self.ptype, self.factors, self.lightplanes): # broadcast skydata to match full indexing if p == "sky": skydatas.append(skydata.smtx * f) elif p == "skysun": skydatas.append(skydata.smtx_patch_sun() * f) elif p == "patch": skydatas.append(skydata.smtx_patch_sun(False) * f) elif p == "sun": skydatas.append(skydata.sun[:, 3:4] * f) else: skydatas.append(np.full((len(skydata.sun), 1), f)) return skydatas