Source code for raytraverse.lightfield.zonallightresult

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# Copyright (c) 2020 Stephen Wasilewski, HSLU and EPFL
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import numpy as np
from raytraverse import io
from raytraverse.utility import pool_call
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree

from raytraverse.lightfield.lightresult import LightResult, ResultAxis
from raytraverse.mapper import PlanMapper

[docs]class RaggedResult(tuple): """has a shape parameter and indexing similar to a np.array, but with varying shape along the second axis. composed of a list of np.arrays whose shape match after the first dimension.""" def __new__(cls, a): return tuple.__new__(RaggedResult, a) def __init__(self, a): self.itemshape = self[0][0].shape self.shape = (len(self), 1) + self.itemshape self.items = tuple([len(i) for i in self]) def __getitem__(self, item): # 1D indexing, return subarray at item try: return super(RaggedResult, self).__getitem__(item) except TypeError: pass # pad items with empty slices when Ellipsis is Present if not hasattr(item[0], 'shape') and item[0] == Ellipsis: item = tuple(slice(None) for i in range(1 + len(self.shape) - len(item))) + item[1:] # first item is integer, grab subarray for further slicing try: x = super(RaggedResult, self).__getitem__(item[0]) # except TypeError: x = [super(RaggedResult, self).__getitem__(i) for i in item[0]] if type(item[0]) == int: return x[item[1:]] else: return RaggedResult([i[item[1:]] for i in x])
[docs]class ZonalLightResult(LightResult): """a semi-dense representation of lightfield data analyzed for a set of metrics this class handles writing and loading results to disk as binary data and intuitive result extraction and reshaping for downstream visualisation and analysis using one of the "pull" methods. axes are indexed both numerically and names for increased transparency and ease of use. """ def __init__(self, data, *axes, boundary=None): super().__init__(data, *axes, boundary=boundary) namee = ["sky", "zone", "view", "metric"] if (len(namee) != len(self.names) or not np.all([i == j for i, j in zip(namee, self.names)])): raise ValueError(f"ZonalLightResult must be initialized with axes: " f"{namee}, not {self.names}") @property def data(self): return self._data @data.setter def data(self, d): self._data = RaggedResult(d)
[docs] def load(self, file): with np.load(file) as result: names = result['names'] axes = tuple([ResultAxis(result[f"arr_{i}"], n) for i, n in enumerate(names)]) data = [result[f"data_{i}"] for i in range(len(axes[0].values))] bkeys = [i for i in result.keys() if i[0:4] == "bnd_"] self.boundary = [result[i] for i in bkeys] return data, axes
[docs] def write(self, file, compressed=True): kws = dict(names=self.names) if self.boundary is not None: for i in range(len(self.boundary)): kws[f"bnd_{i}"] = self.boundary[i] for i in range(len( kws[f"data_{i}"] =[i] args = [a.values for a in self.axes] if compressed: np.savez_compressed(file, *args, **kws) else: np.savez(file, *args, **kws) if hasattr(file, "write"): self._file = file.close() else: self._file = file
[docs] def merge(self, *lrs, axis="sky"): """create merged lightresult from lightresults, must match on all axes except axis. does not sort but culls duplicates""" if axis == "zone": raise ValueError("cannot stack ragged axis zone") outaxes, filters = self._merge_axes(*lrs, axis=axis) if axis == "sky": data = list( for lr, f in zip(lrs, filters): if np.all(f): data += list( else: data += [i for i, j in zip(, f) if j] else: oi = self._index(axis) - 1 data = [] for i in range(len( d =[i] for lr, f, in zip(lrs, filters): if np.all(f): od =[i] else: od = np.compress(f,[i], axis=oi) d = np.concatenate([d, od], axis=oi) data.append(d) return ZonalLightResult(data, *outaxes, boundary=self.boundary)
def _pull_labels(self, data, order, preserve, filters): ax0_labels = [] oshp = [] for i in order[:-preserve]: if (self.names[i] == "sky" and self._index("zone") in order[:-preserve]): filt = filters[self._index("sky")] slab = [] for s, c in zip(self.axis("sky").values[filt], np.asarray([filt]): slab += [s]*c slab = np.array(slab) ax0_labels.append(slab) oshp.append(range(len(slab))) elif self.names[i] != "zone": slab = self.axes[i].values[filters[i]] ax0_labels.append(slab) oshp.append(range(len(slab))) return oshp, ax0_labels def _transpose_and_shape(self, data, order, preserve): shp = [data.shape[i] for i in order[-preserve:]] if self._index("sky") in order[-preserve:]: o2 = [i - 1 for i in order if i != 0] s2 = [data.shape[i] for i in order[-preserve:] if i != 0] d2 = [] for d in data: d2.append(np.transpose(d, o2).reshape(-1, *s2)) result = RaggedResult(d2) else: data = np.concatenate(data) result = np.transpose(data, [i if i == 0 else i - 1 for i in order if i != 1]).reshape(-1, *shp) return result def _pad_order(self, axes, preserve, **kwargs): # get numeric indices of keeper axes order = super()._pad_order(axes, preserve) # self._check_pull_params if self._index("zone") in order[-preserve:]: raise ValueError("Cannot pull along ragged axis 'zone'") if 'zone' in kwargs: raise ValueError("Cannot filter ragged axis 'zone'") if order[-preserve] == self._index("sky"): raise ValueError("sky cannot be output column with ragged points") return order def _print_serial(self, rt, labels, names, basename, header, rowlabel, skyfill): if type(rt) == RaggedResult: flabels = self.fmt_names(names[-1], labels[-1]) rowlabels = self.row_labels(labels[0]) for i, j in enumerate(flabels): if names[0][0:4] == "zone": rls = np.tile(rowlabels, int(rt[i].shape[0]/len(rowlabels))) else: rls = np.repeat(rowlabels, int(rt[i].shape[0]/len(rowlabels))) f = open(f"{basename}_{j}.txt", 'w') self._print(f, rt[i], header, rls, rowlabel) f.close() else: super()._print_serial(rt, labels, names, basename, header, rowlabel, None)
[docs] def pull2hdr(self, basename, showsample=False, pm=None, res=480, **kwargs): if "metric" in kwargs and kwargs["metric"] is not None: kwargs["metric"] = np.unique(np.concatenate(([0, 1, 2], kwargs["metric"]))) rt, labels, names = self.pull("metric", preserve=2, **kwargs) flabels0 = self.fmt_names(names[-1], labels[-1]) flabels1 = self.fmt_names(names[-2], labels[-2][3:]) if pm is None: if self.boundary is None: pm = PlanMapper(rt[:, 0:3]) else: pm = PlanMapper(self.boundary) pool_call(_pull2hdr, list(zip(rt, flabels0)), flabels1, pm, basename, showsample=showsample, res=res)
[docs] def rebase(self, points): paxis = ResultAxis(points, "point") omet = self.axis("metric").values mf = [i for i, v in enumerate(omet) if v not in ('x', 'y', 'z')] maxis = ResultAxis(["area"] + [omet[i].replace("area", "origarea") for i in mf] + ["rebase_err"], "metric") odata = pool_call(_pull2grid,, points, mf, expandarg=False) ai = self.axis("metric").index("area") areas, _, _ = self.pull("metric", sky=0, metric=[ai], view=0) odata = np.stack(odata) narea = np.full(odata.shape[:-1] + (1,), np.sum(areas)/len(points)) lr = LightResult(np.concatenate((narea, odata), axis=-1), self.axes[0], paxis, self.axes[2], maxis, boundary=self.boundary) return lr
def _pull2grid(data, points, mf): kd = cKDTree(data[:, 0, 0:3]) err, idx = kd.query(points) odata = data[idx][..., mf] oerr = np.broadcast_to(err[:, None, None], (*odata.shape[:-1], 1)) return np.concatenate((odata, oerr), axis=-1) def _pull2hdr(data, la0, flabels1, pm, basename, showsample=False, res=480): zimg, vecs, mask, mask2, header = pm.init_img(res) kd = cKDTree(data[:, 0:3]) data = data[:, 3:] err, idx = kd.query(vecs[mask]) for k, (la, d) in enumerate(zip(flabels1, data.T)): img = np.copy(zimg) img[mask] = d[idx] if showsample: if len(img.shape) < 3: img = np.repeat(img[None, ...], 3, 0) img = pm.add_vecs_to_img(img, io.carray2hdr(img, f"{basename}_{la}_{la0}.hdr", [header]) else: io.array2hdr(img, f"{basename}_{la}_{la0}.hdr", [header])