Source code for raytraverse.mapper.mapper

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# Copyright (c) 2019 Stephen Wasilewski
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import functools

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import uniform_filter

from raytraverse import translate, io

[docs]class Mapper(object): """translate between world and normalized UV space. do not use directly, instead use an inheriting class. Parameters ---------- sf: tuple np.array, optional scale factor for each axis (array of length(2) bbox: tuple np.array, optional bounding box for mapper shape (2, 2) name: str, optional used for output file naming """ def __init__(self, dxyz=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), sf=(1, 1), bbox=((0, 0), (1, 1)), aspect=None, name='mapper', origin=(0, 0, 0), jitterrate=1.0): self._sf = np.asarray(sf).flatten() self._bbox = np.asarray(bbox).reshape(2, 2) = name self.aspect = aspect self.dxyz = dxyz self.origin = origin self.jitterrate = jitterrate @property def aspect(self): return self._aspect @aspect.setter def aspect(self, a): xd = self.bbox[1, 0] - self.bbox[0, 0] yd = self.bbox[1, 1] - self.bbox[0, 1] self.area = xd * yd if a is None: self._aspect = xd / yd else: self._aspect = a @property def dxyz(self): """(float, float, float) central view direction""" return self._dxyz @dxyz.setter def dxyz(self, xyz): """set view parameters""" self._dxyz = translate.norm1(np.asarray(xyz).ravel()[0:3]) self._rmtx = (np.eye(3), np.eye(3)) @property def bbox(self): """np.array of shape (2,2): bounding box of view""" return self._bbox
[docs] def view2world(self, xyz): """rotate vectors from view direction to world Z""" xyz = np.atleast_2d(xyz) ymtx, pmtx = self._rmtx return (ymtx.T@(pmtx.T@xyz.T)).T
[docs] def world2view(self, xyz): """rotate vectors from world Z to view direction""" xyz = np.atleast_2d(xyz) ymtx, pmtx = self._rmtx return (pmtx@(ymtx@xyz.T)).T
[docs] def xyz2uv(self, xyz): """transform from world xyz space to mapper UV space""" ishape = xyz.shape vxy = self.world2view(np.reshape(xyz, (-1, 3)))[:, 0:2] uv = (vxy - self.bbox[None, 0])/self._sf[None, :] return uv.reshape(*ishape[:-1], 2)
[docs] def uv2xyz(self, uv, stackorigin=False): """transform from mapper UV space to world xyz""" uv = self.bbox[None, 0] + np.reshape(uv, (-1, 2))*self._sf[None, :] xyz = self.view2world(np.hstack((uv, np.zeros(len(uv), 1)))) if stackorigin: xyz = np.hstack((np.broadcast_to(self.origin, xyz.shape), xyz)) return xyz
[docs] def idx2uv(self, idx, shape, jitter=True): """ Parameters ---------- idx: flattened index shape: the shape to unravel into jitter: bool, optional randomly offset coordinates within grid Returns ------- uv: np.array uv coordinates """ si = np.stack(np.unravel_index(idx, shape)) if jitter and self.jitterrate > 0: rng = ((1 - self.jitterrate)/2, (1 + self.jitterrate)/2) offset = np.random.default_rng().uniform(*rng, si.shape).T else: offset = 0.5 uv = (si.T + offset)/np.asarray(shape) return uv
[docs] @staticmethod def uv2idx(uv, shape): ij = (uv * np.asarray(shape)).astype(int) return ij[:, 0] * shape[1] + ij[:, 1]
[docs] def xyz2vxy(self, xyz): """transform from world xyz to view image space (2d)""" return self.xyz2uv(xyz)
[docs] def vxy2xyz(self, xy, stackorigin=False): """transform from view image space (2d) to world xyz""" xy[..., 0] = 1 - xy[..., 0] return self.uv2xyz(xy, stackorigin=stackorigin)
[docs] @functools.lru_cache(1) def framesize(self, res): if self.aspect < 1: yres = res xres = int(round(res*self.aspect)) else: xres = res yres = int(round(res/self.aspect)) return xres, yres
[docs] def pixels(self, res, jitter=0.0): """generate pixel coordinates for image space""" xres, yres = self.framesize(res) if jitter > 0: rng = ((1 - jitter)/2, (1 + jitter)/2) offset = np.random.default_rng().uniform(*rng, (xres, yres)).T else: offset = 0.5 return np.stack(np.mgrid[0:xres, 0:yres], 2) + offset
[docs] def pixelrays(self, res, jitter=0.0): """world xyz coordinates for pixels in view image space""" pxy = self.pixels(res, jitter=jitter) return self.pixel2ray(pxy, res)
[docs] def ray2pixel(self, xyz, res, integer=True): """world xyz to pixel coordinate""" try: xres, yres = res except TypeError: xres, yres = self.framesize(res) pxy = self.xyz2vxy(xyz) * np.array([[xres, yres]]) if integer: pxy = np.floor(pxy).astype(int) pxy[:, 0] = xres - 1 - pxy[:, 0] return pxy
[docs] def pixel2ray(self, pxy, res): """pixel coordinate to world xyz vector""" try: xres, yres = res except TypeError: xres, yres = self.framesize(res) return self.vxy2xyz(pxy/np.broadcast_to((xres, yres), pxy.shape))
[docs] def pixel2omega(self, pxy, res): """pixel area""" xres, yres = self.framesize(res) return np.full(len(pxy), self.area / (xres * yres))
[docs] def in_view(self, vec, indices=True): """generate mask for vec that are in the field of view""" uv = self.xyz2uv(vec) mask = np.logical_and(uv[:, 0] >= 0, uv[:, 0] <= 1, uv[:, 1] >= 0, uv[:, 1] <= 1) if indices: return np.unravel_index(np.arange(vec.shape[0])[mask], vec.shape[:-1]) else: return mask
[docs] def header(self, **kwargs): return 'VIEW= -vtl -vv 1 -vh 1'
[docs] def init_img(self, res=512, jitter=0.0, **kwargs): """Initialize an image array with vectors and mask Parameters ---------- res: int, optional image array resolution jitter: float, optional pixel jitter rate kwargs: passed to self.header Returns ------- img: np.array zero array of shape (res, res) vecs: np.array direction vectors corresponding to each pixel (img.size, 3) mask: np.array indices of flattened img that are in view mask2: np.array None if ViewMapper has inverse, mask for opposite view, usage:: add_to_img(img, vecs[mask], mask) add_to_img(img[res:], vecs[res:][mask2], mask2 header: str """ img = np.zeros(self.framesize(res)) vecs = self.pixelrays(res, jitter=jitter) mask = self.in_view(vecs) mask2 = mask header = self.header(**kwargs) return img, vecs, mask, mask2, header
[docs] def add_vecs_to_img(self, img, v, channels=(1, 0, 0), grow=0, **kwargs): pxy = self.ray2pixel(v, img.shape[-2:]) xp = pxy[:, 0] yp = pxy[:, 1] r = int(grow*2 + 1) if len(img.shape) == 2: try: channel = channels[0] except TypeError: channel = channels img[xp, yp] = channel if grow > 1: img = uniform_filter(img*r**2, r) else: imgv = np.moveaxis(img, 0, 2) imgv[xp, yp] = channels if grow > 1: img = uniform_filter(img*r**2, (1, r, r)) return img
[docs] def plot(self, xyz, outf, res=1000, grow=1, **kwargs): img = np.zeros(self.framesize(res)) img = self.add_vecs_to_img(img, xyz, grow=grow, **kwargs) io.array2hdr(img, outf, [self.header()])