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# Copyright (c) 2020 Stephen Wasilewski, HSLU and EPFL
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import numpy as np
from raytraverse import translate, io
from import skycalc
from raytraverse.formatter import RadianceFormatter as RadFmt

[docs]class SkyData(object): """class to generate sky conditions This class provides an interface to generate sky data using the perez sky model Parameters ---------- wea: str np.array path to epw, wea, .npy file or np.array, or .npz file, if loc not set attempts to extract location data (if needed). loc: tuple, optional location data given as lat, lon, mer with + west of prime meridian overrides location data in wea (but not in sunfield) skyro: float, optional angle in degrees counter-clockwise to rotate sky (to correct model north, equivalent to clockwise rotation of scene) ground_fac: float, optional ground reflectance intersky: bool, optional include interreflection between ground and sky (mimics, not present in gendaymtx) skyres: int, optional resolution of sky patches (sqrt(patches / hemisphere)) minalt: float, optional minimum solar altitude for daylight masking mindiff: float, optional minumum diffuse horizontal irradiance for daylight masking """ def __init__(self, wea, loc=None, skyro=0.0, ground_fac=0.2, intersky=True, skyres=15, minalt=2.0, mindiff=5.0, mindir=0.0, ground=True, srcname="sky"): self.srcname = srcname self.ground = ground #: sky patach resolution self.skyres = skyres self.intersky = intersky if wea is None: ground_fac = 1 minalt = 0 mindiff = 0 mindir = 0 skyro = 0 loc = None self.ground_fac = ground_fac if loc is None and wea is not None: try: loc = skycalc.get_loc_epw(wea) except ValueError: pass #: location and sky rotation information self._loc = loc self._minalt = minalt self._mindiff = mindiff self._mindir = mindir self._skyro = skyro self._td = 10.9735311509 self._sunproxy = None self.skydata = wea self.mask = None @property def skyro(self): """sky rotation (in degrees, ccw)""" return self._skyro @property def loc(self): """lot, lon, mer (in degrees, west is positive)""" return self._loc @property def skydata(self): """sun position and dirnorm diffhoriz""" return self._skydata
[docs] def skydata_dew(self): return np.hstack((self.skydata, np.broadcast_to(self._td, (self.skydata.shape[0],))[:, None]))
@property def rowlabel(self): """m,d,h (if known)""" return self._rowlabel @skydata.setter def skydata(self, wea): """calculate sky matrix data and store in self._skydata Parameters ---------- wea: str, np.array This method takes either a file path or np.array. File path can point to a wea, epw, tsv file, or npz. tsv array must be one of the following: - 4 col: alt, az, dir, diff - 5 col: dx, dy, dz, dir, diff - 5 col: m, d, h, dir, diff - 6 col: dx, dy, dz, dir, diff, t_dew - 6 col: m, d, h, dir, diff, t_dew npz file will rewrite skyres """ npzdata = self._load(wea) rowlabel = None if npzdata: skydata, smtx, sun, daymask, rowlabel, td = npzdata self._td = td elif wea is not None: skydata, md, td, rowlabel = self.format_skydata(wea) minz = np.sin(self._minalt * np.pi / 180) daymask = np.logical_and(skydata[:, 2] > minz, skydata[:, 4] > self._mindiff) daymask = np.logical_and(daymask, skydata[:, 3] >= self._mindir) sxyz = skydata[daymask, 0:3] dirdif = skydata[daymask, 3:] self._td = td if md is not None: md = md[daymask] if hasattr(td, "__len__"): td = td[daymask] smtx, grnd, sun = skycalc.sky_mtx(sxyz, dirdif, self.skyres, md=md, ground_fac=self.ground_fac, td=td, intersky=self.intersky) # ratio between actual solar disc and patch omegar = np.square(0.2665 * np.pi * self.skyres / 180) * .5 plum = sun[:, -1] * omegar sun = np.hstack((sun, plum[:, None])) if self.ground: smtx = np.hstack((smtx, grnd[:, None])) else: smtx = np.ones((1, self.skyres**2 + self.ground)) sun = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0, 0]]) daymask = np.array([True]) skydata = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0, 1]]) if rowlabel is None: rowlabel = np.arange(skydata.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1) self._rowlabel = rowlabel self._smtx = smtx self._sun = sun self._daymask = daymask self._skydata = skydata self.sunproxy = skydata[daymask, 0:3] self._daysteps = smtx.shape[0]
[docs] def write(self, name="skydata", scene=None, compressed=True): file = f"{name}.npz" if scene is not None: file = f"{scene.outdir}/{file}" kws = dict(skydata=self._skydata, smtx=self._smtx, sun=self._sun, daymask=self._daymask, td=np.asarray(self._td)) if self.loc is not None: kws["loc"] = self._loc if self.rowlabel.shape[1] > 1: kws["rowlabel"] = self._rowlabel if compressed: np.savez_compressed(file, **kws) else: np.savez(file, **kws)
def _load(self, file): try: result = np.load(file) except (ValueError, TypeError, FileNotFoundError): return False else: skydata = result['skydata'] smtx = result['smtx'] sun = result['sun'] daymask = result['daymask'] try: loc = result['loc'] except (ValueError, KeyError): self._loc = None else: self._loc = (loc[0], loc[1], int(loc[2])) try: rowlabel = result['rowlabel'] except (ValueError, KeyError): rowlabel = None try: td = result['td'] except KeyError: td = 10.9735311509 self.skyres = int(np.sqrt(smtx.shape[1] - 1)) return skydata, smtx, sun, daymask, rowlabel, td
[docs] def format_skydata(self, dat): """process dat argument as skydata see sky.setter for details on argument Returns ------- np.array dx, dy, dz, dir, diff """ loc = self._loc md = None td = 10.9735311509 rowlabel = None if isinstance(dat, np.ndarray): skydat = dat else: try: skydat = io.load_txt(dat) except ValueError: if loc is None: loc = skycalc.get_loc_epw(dat) skydat = skycalc.read_epw(dat) try: td = skycalc.read_epw_full(dat, ["t_dewpoint", ]).ravel() except (TypeError, IndexError, ValueError): pass skydat = np.atleast_2d(skydat) if skydat.shape[1] == 4: xyz = translate.aa2xyz(skydat[:, 0:2]) skydat = np.hstack((xyz, skydat[:, 2:])) elif skydat.shape[1] == 5 or skydat.shape[1] == 6: if np.max(skydat[:, 2]) > 2: if loc is None: raise ValueError("cannot parse wea data without a Location") times = skycalc.row_2_datetime64(skydat[:, 0:3]) xyz = skycalc.sunpos_xyz(times, *loc, ro=self._skyro) md = skydat[:, 0:2].astype(int) rowlabel = skydat[:, 0:3] skydat = np.hstack((xyz, skydat[:, 3:])) if skydat.shape[1] == 6: td = skydat[:, 5] skydat = skydat[:, 0:5] else: raise ValueError('input data should be one of the following:' '\n4 col: alt, az, dir, diff' '\n5 col: dx, dy, dz, dir, diff' '\n5 col: m, d, h, dir, diff', '\n6 col: dx, dy, dz, dir, diff, t_dew' '\n6 col: m, d, h, dir, diff, t_dew') return skydat, md, td, rowlabel
@property def daysteps(self): return self._daysteps @property def daymask(self): """shape (len(skydata),) boolean array masking timesteps when sun is below horizon""" return self._daymask @property def mask(self): """an additional mask for smtx data""" return self._mask @property def fullmask(self): return self._fullmask @property def maskindices(self): return self._maskindices @mask.setter def mask(self, m): """if m has length = daysteps, sets mask directly as bool array. if m has length = skydata, sets mask from daysteps of m as bool array. otherwise, assumes m is an index array (indexed by row of skydata) and sets all indices of m within daymask to True. reset with m=None """ if m is None: m = np.full(np.sum(self.daymask), True) if len(m) == self.daysteps: self._mask = np.asarray(m, bool) elif len(m) == len(self.skydata): self._mask = np.asarray(m, bool)[self.daymask] else: self.mask = None self._mask = np.full(self.daysteps, False) self._mask[self.masked_idx(m)] = True self._fullmask = np.copy(self.daymask) self._fullmask[self.daymask] = self._mask self._maskindices = np.arange(len(self._fullmask))[self._fullmask] @property def smtx(self): """shape (np.sum(daymask), skyres**2 + 1) coefficients for each sky patch each row is a timestep, coefficients exclude sun""" return self._smtx[self.mask] @property def sun(self): """shape (np.sum(daymask), 5) sun position (index 0,1,2) and coefficients for sun at each timestep assuming the true solid angle of the sun (index 3) and the weighted value for the sky patch (index 4).""" return self._sun[self.mask] @property def sunproxy(self): """corresponding sky bin for each sun position in daymask""" return self._sunproxy[self.mask] @sunproxy.setter def sunproxy(self, sxyz): self._sunproxy = translate.xyz2skybin(sxyz, self.skyres)
[docs] def smtx_patch_sun(self, includesky=True): """generate smtx with solar energy applied to proxy patch for directly applying to skysampler data (without direct sun components) can also be used in a partial mode (with sun view / without sun reflection.)""" if includesky: wsun = np.copy(self.smtx) else: wsun = np.zeros_like(self.smtx) r = wsun.shape[0] wsun[range(r), self.sunproxy] += self.sun[:, 4] return wsun
[docs] def header(self): """generate image header string""" try: hdr = "LOCATION= lat: {} lon: {} tz: {} ro: {}".format(*self.loc, self.skyro) except TypeError: hdr = "LOCATION= None" return hdr
[docs] def fill_data(self, x, fill_value=0.0, rowlabels=False): """ Parameters ---------- x: np.array first axis size = len(self.daymask[self.mask]) fill_value: Union[int, float], optional value in padded array rowlabels: bool, optional include rowlabels Returns ------- np.array data in x padded with fill value to original shape of skydata """ x = np.asarray(x) mask = np.copy(self.daymask) mask[self.daymask] = self.mask px = np.full((self.skydata.shape[0], *x.shape[1:]), fill_value, dtype=x.dtype) px[mask] = x if rowlabels: px = np.hstack((self.rowlabel, px)) return px
[docs] def label(self, x): x = np.asarray(x).reshape(self.daysteps, -1) return np.hstack((self.rowlabel[self.daymask], x))
[docs] def masked_idx(self, i): j = np.minimum(np.searchsorted(self._maskindices, i), self._maskindices.size - 1) return j[self._maskindices[j] == i]
[docs] def radiance_sky_matrix(self, outf, fmt='float', sun=True, sky=True, ncomps=3): if sun: mtx = self.smtx_patch_sun(sky).T else: mtx = self.smtx rows = mtx.shape[0] cols = mtx.shape[1] mtx = np.repeat(mtx, ncomps, 1) header = (f"#?RADIANCE\n{self.header()}\n" f"NCOMP={ncomps}\nFORMAT={fmt}\nNROWS={rows}\n" f"NCOLS={cols}\n\n") fmt = fmt.lower()[0] if fmt in ['f', 'd']: data = io.np2bytes(mtx, np.dtype(f"<{fmt}")) f = open(outf, 'w') f.write(header) f.close() f = open(outf, 'ab') f.write(data) f.close() else: np.savetxt(outf, mtx, fmt='%.8e', delimiter="\t", comments="", header=header)
[docs] def sky_description(self, i, prefix="skydata", grid=False, sun=True, ground=True, sunpatch=False): """generate radiance scene files to directly render sky data at index i Parameters ---------- i: int index of sky vector to generate (indexed from skydata, not daymask) prefix: str, optional name/path for output files grid: bool, optional render sky patches with grid lines sun: bool, optional include sun source in rad file ground: bool, optional include ground source sunpatch: bool, optional include sun energy in sun_patch (sun should be false) Returns ------- str basename of 3 files written: prefix_i (.rad, .cal, and .dat) .cal and .dat must be located in RAYPATH (which can include .) or else edit the .rad file to explicitly point to their locations. note that if grid is True, the sky will not be accurate, so only use this for illustrative purposes. Raises ------ IndexError if i is not in masked indices """ mi = self.masked_idx(i).item() outf = f"{prefix}_{i:04d}" f = open(f"{outf}.rad", 'w') if grid: fun = "grid" else: fun = "noop" f.write(f"void brightdata skyfunc 4 {fun} {outf}.dat {outf}.cal bin 0 " "0\nskyfunc glow skyglow 0 0 4 1 1 1 0\n" "skyglow source sky 0 0 4 0 0 1 180\n") if ground: f.write("skyglow source ground 0 0 4 0 0 -1 180\n") if sun: c = (self.sun[mi, 3], self.sun[mi, 3], self.sun[mi, 3]) f.write(RadFmt.get_sundef(self.sun[mi, 0:3], c)) f.close() f = open(f"{outf}.cal", 'w') f.write(f"side:{self.skyres};\n{translate.scbinscal}") f.close() if sunpatch: data = self.smtx_patch_sun()[mi] else: data = self.smtx[mi] nrbins = data.size header = "1\n0 {} {}\n".format(nrbins - 1, nrbins) np.savetxt(f"{outf}.dat", data, delimiter="\n", header=header, comments="") return outf