Source code for raytraverse.translate

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"""functions for translating between coordinate spaces and resolutions"""

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter, uniform_filter
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree, Voronoi
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

[docs]def norm(v): """normalize 2D array of vectors along last dimension""" return v/np.linalg.norm(v, axis=-1).reshape(-1, 1)
[docs]def norm1(v): """normalize flat vector""" n = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(v))) if n == 0: n = 1 return np.asarray(v)/n
############################################### # Shirley=Chiu Disk to Square Transformations # ###############################################
[docs]def uv2xy(uv): """translate from unit square (0,1),(0,1) to disk (x,y) -map.html. """ uv = np.atleast_2d(uv) np.seterr(all="ignore") xy = np.empty((uv.shape[0], 2), float) u = uv[:, 0] v = uv[:, 1] n = np.where(u > 1.0, -1, 1) u = np.where(u > 1.0, u - 1.0, u) a = 2. * u - 1 b = 2. * v - 1 cond = a*a > b*b r = np.where(cond, a, np.where(b == 0, 0, b)) phi = np.where(cond, b/(2*a), np.where(b == 0, 0, 1 - a/(2*b)))*np.pi/2 xy[:, 0] = n*np.cos(phi)*r xy[:, 1] = np.sin(phi)*r return xy
[docs]def uv2xyz(uv, axes=(0, 1, 2), xsign=1): """translate from 2 x unit square (0,2),(0,1) to unit sphere (x,y,z) -map.html. """ np.seterr(all="ignore") uv = np.atleast_2d(uv) xyz = np.empty((uv.shape[0], 3), float) u = uv[:, 0] v = uv[:, 1] # u > 1 values lay in the negative z hemisphere n = np.where(u > 1.0, -1, 1) # bring both hemispheres to (0,1) u = np.where(u > 1.0, u - 1.0, u) a = 2. * u - 1 b = 2. * v - 1 cond = a*a > b*b r = np.where(cond, a, np.where(b == 0, 0, b)) phi = np.where(cond, b/(2*a), np.where(b == 0, 0, 1 - a/(2*b)))*np.pi/2 sphterm = r*np.sqrt(2 - r*r) # flip back x in positive z space xyz[:, axes[0]] = xsign*n*np.cos(phi)*sphterm xyz[:, axes[1]] = np.sin(phi)*sphterm # add sign to z xyz[:, axes[2]] = n*(1 - r*r) return xyz
[docs]def xyz2uv(xyz, normalize=False, axes=(0, 1, 2), flipu=False): """translate from vector x,y,z (normalized) to u,v (0,2),(0,1) Shirley, Peter, and Kenneth Chiu. A Low Distortion Map Between Disk and Square. Journal of Graphics Tools, vol. 2, no. 3, Jan. 1997, pp. 45-52. Taylor and Francis+NEJM, doi:10.1080/10867651.1997.10487479. """ xyz = np.atleast_2d(xyz) if normalize: xyz = norm(xyz) uv = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], 2), float) # store sign of z-axis to map both hemispheres as positive n = np.where(xyz[:, axes[2]] < 0, -1, 1) r2 = 1 - n*xyz[:, axes[2]] x = xyz[:, axes[0]] / np.sqrt(2 - r2) y = xyz[:, axes[1]] / np.sqrt(2 - r2) r = np.sqrt(np.square(x) + np.square(y)) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) pi4 = np.pi/4 phi = phi + np.where(phi < -pi4, 2*np.pi, 0) a = np.where(phi < pi4, (r, phi*r/pi4), np.where(phi < 3*pi4, (-(phi - np.pi/2)*r/pi4, r), np.where(phi < 5*pi4, (-r, -(phi - np.pi)*r/pi4), ((phi - 3*np.pi/2)*r/pi4, -r)))).T # for the positive z-direction (n=1) map -1,1 to 1,0 (to correct flip) # for the negative z-direction (n=-1) map -1,1 to 1,2 if flipu: uv[:, 0] = (np.where(n < 0, 3, 1) - a[:, 0]*n) / 2. else: uv[:, 0] = (a[:, 0] + 2 - n) / 2. uv[:, 1] = (a[:, 1] + 1) / 2. return uv
########################################### # Translate to/from shirley chiu sky bins # ########################################### scbinscal = (""" { map U/V axis to bin divisions } axis(x) : mod(floor(side * x), side); nrbins = side * side; { get bin of u,v } binl(u, v) : axis(u)*side + axis(v); { shirley-chiu disk to square (with spherical term) } PI : 3.14159265358979323846; pi4 : PI/4; n = if(Dz, 1, -1); r2 = 1 - n*Dz; x = Dx/sqrt(2 - r2); y = -Dy/sqrt(2 - r2); r = sqrt( sq(x) + sq(y)); ph = atan2(x, y); phi = ph + if(-pi4 - ph, 2*PI, 0); a = if(pi4 - phi, r, if(3*pi4 - phi, -(phi - PI/2)*r/pi4, if(5*pi4 - phi,""" """ -r, (phi - 3*PI/2)*r/pi4))); b = if(pi4 - phi, phi*r/pi4, if(3*pi4 - phi, r, if(5*pi4 - phi, """ """-(phi - PI)*r/pi4, -r))); { map to (0,2),(0,1) matches raytraverse.translate.xyz2uv} U = (if(n, 1, 3) - a*n)/2; V = (b + 1)/2; bin = if(n, binl(V, U), nrbins); { for visualizing with gridlines } t : .015; grid(x) : if(and(inside(t, frac(U*side), 1-t), inside(t, frac(V*side), 1-t)), x, 0); """) scxyzcal = """ x1 = .5; x2 = .5; U = ((bin - mod(bin, side)) / side + x1)/side; V = (mod(bin, side) + x2)/side; n = if(U - 1, -1, 1); ur = if(U - 1, U - 1, U); a = 2 * ur - 1; b = 2 * V - 1; conda = sq(a) - sq(b); condb = abs(b) - FTINY; r = if(conda, a, if(condb, b, 0)); phi = if(conda, b/(2*a), if(condb, 1 - a/(2*b), 0)) * PI/2; sphterm = r * sqrt(2 - sq(r)); Dx = n * cos(phi)*sphterm; Dy = sin(phi)*sphterm; Dz = n * (1 - sq(r)); """
[docs]def xyz2skybin(xyz, side, tol=0, normalize=False): xyz = np.atleast_2d(xyz) uv = xyz2uv(xyz, flipu=False, normalize=normalize) if tol > 0: tol = tol/side uvi = np.linspace(-tol, tol, 3) uvs = np.stack(np.meshgrid(uvi, uvi)).reshape(2, 9).T + uv sbin = np.unique(uv2bin(uvs, side)).astype(int) skybin = sbin[sbin < side**2] else: skybin = uv2bin(uv, side) return skybin
[docs]def skybin2xyz(bn, side): """generate source vectors from sky bins Parameters ---------- bn: np.array bin numbers side: int square side of discretization Returns ------- xyz: np.array direction to center of sky patches """ uv = bin2uv(bn, side) xyz = uv2xyz(uv, xsign=1) xyz[xyz[:, 2] < 0] = (0, 0, -1) return xyz
################################################## # Translate to/from anglular fisheye projeection # ##################################################
[docs]def xyz2xy(xyz, axes=(0, 1, 2), flip=False): """xyz coordinates to xy mapping of angular fisheye proejection""" xyz = np.atleast_2d(xyz) r = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(xyz[:, axes[0:2]]), -1)), xyz[:, axes[2]])/(np.pi/2) phi = np.arctan2(xyz[:, axes[0]], xyz[:, axes[1]]) x = r * np.sin(phi) y = r * np.cos(phi) if flip: x = -x return np.stack((x, y)).T
########################################## # Translate to/from anglular coordinates # ##########################################
[docs]def tpnorm(thetaphi): """normalize angular vector to 0-pi, 0-2pi""" thetaphi = np.atleast_2d(thetaphi) thetaphi[:, 0] = np.mod(thetaphi[:, 0] + np.pi, np.pi) thetaphi[:, 1] = np.mod(thetaphi[:, 1] + 2*np.pi, 2*np.pi) return thetaphi
[docs]def tp2xyz(thetaphi, normalize=True): """calculate x,y,z vector from theta (0-pi) and phi (0-2pi) RHS Z-up""" thetaphi = np.atleast_2d(thetaphi) if normalize: thetaphi = tpnorm(thetaphi) theta = thetaphi[:, 0] phi = thetaphi[:, 1] sint = np.sin(theta) xyz = np.array([sint*np.cos(phi), sint*np.sin(phi), np.cos(theta)]).T return norm(xyz)
[docs]def xyz2tp(xyz): """calculate theta (0-pi), phi from x,y,z RHS Z-up""" xyz = np.atleast_2d(xyz) theta = np.arccos(xyz[:, 2]) phi = np.where(np.isclose(theta, 0.0, atol=1e-10), np.pi, np.where(np.isclose(theta, np.pi, atol=1e-10), np.pi, np.arctan2(xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 0]))) return tpnorm(np.column_stack([theta, phi]))
[docs]def tp2uv(thetaphi): """calculate UV from theta (0-pi), phi""" thetaphi = np.atleast_2d(thetaphi) return xyz2uv(tp2xyz(thetaphi))
[docs]def uv2tp(uv): """calculate theta (0-pi), phi from UV""" uv = np.atleast_2d(uv) return xyz2tp(uv2xyz(uv))
[docs]def aa2xyz(aa): """calculate altitude (0-90), azimuth (-180,180) from xyz""" aa = np.atleast_2d(aa) tp = np.pi/2 - aa * np.pi/180 tp[:, 1] += np.pi return tp2xyz(tp)
[docs]def xyz2aa(xyz): """calculate xyz from altitude (0-90), azimuth (-180,180)""" xyz = np.atleast_2d(xyz) tp = xyz2tp(xyz) tp[:, 1] -= np.pi return (np.pi/2 - tp)/(np.pi/180)
[docs]def chord2theta(c): """compute angle from chord on unit circle Parameters ---------- c: float chord or euclidean distance between normalized direction vectors Returns ------- theta: float angle captured by chord """ return 2*np.arcsin(c/2)
[docs]def theta2chord(theta): """compute chord length on unit sphere from angle Parameters ---------- theta: float angle Returns ------- c: float chord or euclidean distance between normalized direction vectors """ return 2*np.sin(theta/2)
[docs]def ctheta(a, b): """cos(theta) (dot product) between a and b""" a = np.asarray(a) b = np.asarray(b) return np.clip(np.einsum("i,ji->j", a, b.reshape(-1, b.shape[-1])), -1, 1)
[docs]def radians(a, b): """angle in radians betweeen a and b""" return np.arccos(ctheta(a, b))
[docs]def degrees(a, b): """angle in degrees betweeen a and b""" return radians(a, b) * 180/np.pi
################################################ # digitize and serialize UV square coordinates # ################################################
[docs]def uv2ij(uv, side, aspect=2): uv = np.atleast_2d(uv) ij = np.mod(np.floor(side*uv), side) if aspect == 2: ij[:, 0] += (uv[:, 0] >= 1) * side return ij.astype(int)
[docs]def uv2bin(uv, side): buv = uv2ij(uv, side) return buv[:, 0]*side + buv[:, 1]
[docs]def bin2uv(bn, side, offset=0.5): u = ((bn - np.mod(bn, side))/side + offset)/side v = (np.mod(bn, side) + offset)/side return np.stack((u, v)).T
######################### # image like resampling # #########################
[docs]def resample(samps, ts=None, gauss=True, radius=None): """simple array resampling. requires whole number multiple scaling. Parameters ---------- samps: np.array array to resample along each axis ts: tuple, optional shape of output array, should be multiple of samps.shape gauss: bool, optional apply gaussian filter to upsampling radius: float, optional when gauss is True, filter radius, default is the scale ratio - 1 Returns ------- np.array to resampled array """ if ts is None: ts = samps.shape rs = np.array(ts)/np.array(samps.shape) if > 1: for i in range(len(rs)): samps = np.repeat(samps, rs[i], i) if gauss: if radius is None: radius = tuple(rs - 1) samps = gaussian_filter(samps, radius) elif < 1: rs = (1/rs).astype(int) og = (-rs/2).astype(int) samps = uniform_filter(samps, rs, origin=og) for i, j in enumerate(rs): samps = np.take(samps, np.arange(0, samps.shape[i], j), i) elif radius is not None: if gauss: samps = gaussian_filter(samps, radius) else: samps = uniform_filter(samps, int(radius)) return samps
#################### # vector rotations # ####################
[docs]def rmtx_elem(theta, axis=2, degrees=True): if degrees: theta = theta * np.pi / 180 rmtx = np.array([(np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0), (np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0), (0, 0, 1)]) return np.roll(rmtx, axis-2, (0, 1))
[docs]def rotate_elem(v, theta, axis=2, degrees=True): rmtx = rmtx_elem(theta, axis=axis, degrees=degrees) return np.einsum('ij,kj->ki', rmtx, v)
[docs]def rmtx_yp(v): """generate a pair of rotation matrices to transform from vector v to z, enforcing a z-up in the source space and a y-up in the destination. If v is z, returns pair of identity matrices, if v is -z returns pair of 180 degree rotation matrices. Parameters ---------- v: array-like of size (N, 3) the vector direction representing the starting coordinate space Returns ------- ymtx, pmtx: (np.array, np.array) two rotation matrices to be premultiplied in order to reverse transform, swap order and transpose. Notes ----- if N is one: Forward: (pmtx@(ymtx@xyz.T)).T or np.einsum("ij,kj,li->kl", ymtx, xyz, pmtx) Backward: (ymtx.T@(pmtx.T@xyz.T)).T or np.einsum("ji,kj,il-kl", pmtx, nv, ymtx) else: Forward: np.einsum("vij,vkj,vli->vkl", ymtx, xyz, pmtx) Backward: np.einsum("vji,vkj,vil-vkl", pmtx, nv, ymtx) """ vs = norm(np.asarray(v).reshape(-1, 3)) v2 = np.array((0, 0, 1)).reshape(-1, 3) tp = xyz2tp(vs) # check for identity or reverse transforms e = np.all(np.isclose(vs, v2), 1) ne = np.all(np.isclose(vs, -v2), 1) z = np.zeros(len(vs)) o = np.ones(len(vs)) # yaw matrix y = 3*np.pi/2 - tp[:, 1] cy = np.cos(y) sy = np.sin(y) ymtx = np.stack(((cy, sy, z), (-sy, cy, z), (z, z, o))).T ymtx[e] = np.eye(3) ymtx[ne] = np.array([(-1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, 1)]) # pitch matrix p = -tp[:, 0] cp = np.cos(p) sp = np.sin(p) pmtx = np.stack(((o, z, z), (z, cp, sp), (z, -sp, cp))).T pmtx[e] = np.eye(3) pmtx[ne] = np.array([(1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, -1)]) return np.squeeze(ymtx), np.squeeze(pmtx)
[docs]def cull_vectors(vecs, tol): """return mask to cull duplicate vectors within tolerance Parameters ---------- vecs: Union[cKDTree, np.array] prebuilt KDTree or np.array to build a new one. culling keeps first vector in array used to build tree. tol: float tolerance for culling Returns ------- np.array boolean mask of vecs (or to cull vectors """ if type(vecs) != cKDTree: pkd = cKDTree(vecs) else: pkd = vecs vecs = pairs = pkd.query_ball_tree(pkd, tol, 2) flt = np.full(len(vecs), True) # keep track of culled indices to avoid removing chains of points flagged = set() for j, p in enumerate(pairs): if j not in flagged and len(p) > 1: # don't purge first or current indices q = [i for i in p[1:] if i != j] flt[q] = False flagged.update(q) return flt
[docs]def reflect(ray, normal, returnmasked=False): refl = (ray[:, None] - 2 * normal[None] * np.einsum("ij,kj->ik", ray, normal)[..., None]) try: refl = np.squeeze(refl, 0) except ValueError: pass n = np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(refl, axis=-1), 1) if returnmasked: return refl[n] return refl, n
[docs]def simple_take(ar, *slices, axes=None): """consistent array indexing with arrays, lists, tuples and slices Parameters ---------- ar: np.array the multidimensional arary to index slices: tuple if sequence, takes those indices along axis, if None, take whole dimension, if slice, applies to index array before take axes: Union[Sequence, int], optional when None, slices are automatically taken starting on axes 0. Use this argument to only operate on a subset of dimensions. Returns ------- np.array matches ndims of ar """ if axes is None: axes = np.arange(len(slices)) else: axes = np.ravel(axes) for i, j in zip(slices, axes): if i is None: pass elif type(i) == slice: k = np.arange(ar.shape[j])[i] ar = np.take(ar, k, j) else: ar = np.take(ar, np.ravel(i), j) return ar
[docs]def calc_omega(vecs, pm): """calculate area""" # border capture any infinite edges bordered = np.concatenate((vecs, pm.bbox_vertices(pm.area**.5 * 10))) # due to precision errors, Qhull may return fewer regions than # vertices, the QJ options helps this... vor = Voronoi(bordered[:, 0:2], qhull_options="Qbb Qc QJ") # but in case of failure, this will distribute the area of the duplicate # region evenly among the enclosed vertices by scaling by 1/# of vertices # using each region. if len(vor.regions) < len(vor.point_region): r, idx, inv, cnt = np.unique(vor.point_region[:len(vecs)], return_index=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True) scale = 1./cnt[inv] else: scale = 1. omega = np.zeros(len(vecs)) for i in range(len(vecs)): region = vor.regions[vor.point_region[i]] p = Polygon(vor.vertices[region]) if pm.boundary.contains(p): omega[i] = p.area else: omega[i] = p.intersection(pm.boundary).area omega *= scale return np.asarray(omega)