Source code for raytraverse.utility.imagetools

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"""functions for translating from mappers to hdr"""
import numpy as np
import clasp.script_tools as cst

from raytraverse import translate, io
from raytraverse.evaluate import MetricSet, retina
from raytraverse.mapper.viewmapper import ViewMapper

[docs]def hdr_uv2ang(imgf, useview=None): imarray = io.hdr2carray(imgf) outf = imgf.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + "_ang.hdr" res = imarray.shape[-1] vm = ViewMapper(viewangle=180) pixelxyz = vm.pixelrays(res) uv = vm.xyz2uv(pixelxyz.reshape(-1, 3)) mask = vm.in_view(pixelxyz, indices=False) ij = translate.uv2ij(uv[mask], res) img = np.zeros((3, res*res)) img[:, mask] = imarray[:, ij[:, 1], ij[:, 0]] io.carray2hdr(img.reshape(3, res, res)[:, ::-1], outf)
[docs]def hdr_ang2uv(imgf, useview=True): vm = None if useview: vm = hdr2vm(imgf) if vm is None: vm = ViewMapper(viewangle=180) imarray = io.hdr2carray(imgf) outf = imgf.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + "_uv.hdr" res = imarray.shape[-1] uv = translate.bin2uv(np.arange(res*res), res) vm2 = ViewMapper(viewangle=180) xyz = vm.uv2xyz(uv) pxy = vm.ray2pixel(xyz, imarray.shape[-1]) # img = np.take_along_axis(imarray, pxy.T, 0) img = imarray[:, pxy[:, 1], pxy[:, 0]].reshape(3, res, res) io.carray2hdr(img[:, ::-1], outf)
[docs]def uvarray2hdr(uvarray, imgf, header=None): res = uvarray.shape[0] vm = ViewMapper(viewangle=180) pixelxyz = vm.pixelrays(res) uv = vm.xyz2uv(pixelxyz.reshape(-1, 3)) mask = vm.in_view(pixelxyz, indices=False) ij = translate.uv2ij(uv[mask], res) img = np.zeros(res*res) img[mask] = uvarray[ij[:, 0], ij[-1:None:-1, 1]] io.array2hdr(img.reshape(res, res), imgf, header)
[docs]def hdr2uvarray(imgf, vm=None, res=None): if vm is None: vm = hdr2vm(imgf) imarray = io.hdr2array(imgf) if res is None: res = imarray.shape[0] uv = translate.bin2uv(np.arange(res*res), res) xyz = vm.uv2xyz(uv) pxy = vm.ray2pixel(xyz, imarray.shape[0]) return imarray[pxy[:, 1], pxy[:, 0]].reshape(res, res)
[docs]def hdr2vol(imgf, vm=None): ar = io.hdr2array(imgf).T if vm is None: vm = hdr2vm(imgf) vecs = vm.pixelrays(ar.shape[-1]).reshape(-1, 3) oga = vm.pixel2omega(vm.pixels(ar.shape[-1]), ar.shape[-1]).ravel() return vecs, oga, ar.ravel()
[docs]def vf_to_vm(view): """view file to ViewMapper""" vl = [i for i in open(view).readlines() if "-vta" in i] if len(vl) == 0: raise ValueError(f"no valid -vta view in file {view}") vp = vl[-1].split() view_angle = float(vp[vp.index("-vh") + 1]) vd = vp.index("-vd") view_dir = [float(vp[i]) for i in range(vd + 1, vd + 4)] return ViewMapper(view_dir, view_angle)
[docs]def hdr2vm(imgf, vpt=False): """hdr to ViewMapper""" header, err = cst.pipeline([f"getinfo {imgf}"], caperr=True) try: err = err.decode("utf-8") except AttributeError: pass if "bad header!" in err: raise IOError(f"{err} - wrong file type?") elif "cannot open" in header: raise FileNotFoundError(f"{imgf} not found") vp = None if "VIEW= -vta" in header: vp = header.rsplit("VIEW= -vta", 1)[-1].splitlines()[0].split() elif "rvu -vta" in header: vp = header.rsplit("rvu -vta", 1)[-1].splitlines()[0].split() if vp is not None: view_angle = float(vp[vp.index("-vh") + 1]) try: vd = vp.index("-vd") except ValueError: view_dir = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] else: view_dir = [float(vp[i]) for i in range(vd + 1, vd + 4)] try: vpi = vp.index("-vp") except ValueError: view_pt = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] else: view_pt = [float(vp[i]) for i in range(vpi + 1, vpi + 4)] hd = cst.pipeline([f"getinfo -d {imgf}"]).strip().split() x = 1 y = 1 for i in range(2, len(hd)): if 'X' in hd[i - 1]: x = float(hd[i]) elif 'Y' in hd[i - 1]: y = float(hd[i]) vm = ViewMapper(view_dir, view_angle * x / y) else: view_pt = None vm = None if vpt: return vm, view_pt else: return vm
[docs]def normalize_peak(v, o, l, scale=179, peaka=6.7967e-05, peakt=1e5, peakr=4, blursun=False): """consolidate the brightest pixels represented by v, o, l up into a single source, correcting the area while maintaining equal energy Parameters ---------- v: np.array shape (N, 3), direction vectors of pixels (x, y, z) normalized o: np.array shape (N,), solid angles of pixels (steradians) l: np.array shape (N,), luminance of pixels scale: Union[float, int], optional scale factor for l to convert to cd/m^2, default assumes radiance units peaka: float, optional area to aggregate to peakt: Union[float, int], optional lower threshold for possible bright pixels peakr: Union[float, int], optional ratio, from peak pixel value to lowest value to include when aggregating partially visible sun. blursun: bool, optional whether to correct area and luminance according to human PSF Returns ------- v: np.array shape (N, 3), direction vectors of pixels (x, y, z) normalized o: np.array shape (N,), solid angles of pixels (steradians) l: np.array shape (N,), luminance of pixels """ pc = np.nonzero(l > peakt / scale)[0] # only do something if some pixels above peakt if pc.size > 0: # first sort descending by luminance pc = pc[np.argsort(-l[pc])] pvol = np.hstack((v[pc], o[pc, None], l[pc, None])) # establish maximum radius for grouping cosrad = np.cos((peaka/np.pi)**.5*4) # calculate angular distance from peak ray and filter strays pd = np.einsum("i,ji->j", pvol[0, 0:3], pvol[:, 0:3]) dm = pd > cosrad pc = pc[dm] pvol = pvol[dm] # calculate expected energy assuming full visibility: esun = pvol[0, 4]*peaka # sum up to peak energy cume = np.cumsum(pvol[:, 3]*pvol[:, 4]) # when there is enough energy, treat as full sun if cume[-1] > esun: stop = np.argmax(cume > esun) if stop == 0: stop = len(cume) peakl = cume[stop - 1]/peaka # otherwise treat as partial sun (needs to use peak ratio) else: stop = np.argmax(pvol[:, 4] < pvol[0, 4]/peakr) if stop == 0: stop = len(cume) peakl = pvol[0, 4] peaka = cume[stop - 1]/peakl pc = pc[:stop] pvol = pvol[:stop] # new source vector weight by L*omega of source rarys pv = translate.norm(np.average(pvol[:, 0:3], axis=0, weights=pvol[:, 3]*pvol[:, 4])) # filter out source rays vol = np.delete(np.hstack((v, o[:, None], l[:, None])), pc, axis=0) # then add new consolidated ray back to output v, o, l v = np.vstack((vol[:, 0:3], pv)) if blursun: cf = np.atleast_1d(retina.blur_sun(peaka, peakl))[0] else: cf = 1 o = np.concatenate((vol[:, 3], [peaka*cf])) l = np.concatenate((vol[:, 4], [peakl/cf])) return v, o, l
[docs]def imgmetric(imgf, metrics, peakn=False, scale=179, threshold=2000., lowlight=False, **peakwargs): vm = hdr2vm(imgf) if vm is None: vm = ViewMapper(viewangle=180) v, o, l = hdr2vol(imgf, vm) if peakn: v, o, l = normalize_peak(v, o, l, scale, **peakwargs) return MetricSet(v, o, l, vm, metrics, scale=scale, threshold=threshold, lowlight=lowlight)()
# from raytraverse.lightpoint import LightPointKD # from raytraverse.sampler import draw # from raytraverse.sampler.basesampler import filterdict # def img2lf(imga, imgb, src, scn): # # accuracy = 0.5 # t0 = 0 # t1 = .6667 # levels = 6 # # def _threshold(idx, acc): # """threshold for determining sample count""" # return acc * _linear(idx, t0, t1) # # def _linear(x, x1, x2): # if levels <= 2: # return (x1, x2)[x] # else: # return (x2 - x1)/(levels - 1) * x + x1 # # vm, vp = hdr2vm(imga, vpt=True) # uva = hdr2uvarray(imga, vm, 1024) # if imgb is not None: # vmb = ViewMapper(vm.dxyz*np.array((-1, -1, -1)), vm.viewangle) # uvb = hdr2uvarray(imgb, vmb, 1024) # uva = np.stack((uvb, uva), 0).reshape(-1, uvb.shape[1]) # vm = ViewMapper(vm.dxyz) # accuracy *= np.average(uva) # uvt = translate.resample(uva, uva.shape, radius=2) # ar = int(uva.shape[0]/uva.shape[1]) # available = np.full(uvt.shape, True) # rays = None # vals = None # for i in range(1, levels+1): # res = 2**(levels-i)*1024/2**levels # uvt = translate.resample(uvt, (res*ar, res)) # available = translate.resample(available.astype(float), uvt.shape) > 0.0 # p = draw.get_detail(uvt, *filterdict['wav']).reshape(uvt.shape) # t = _threshold(levels-i, accuracy) # p[np.logical_not(available)] = 0 # mi = p > t # available[mi] = False # miu = translate.resample(mi, (res*2*ar, res*2), False) # uv = vm.idx2uv(np.arange(miu.size)[miu.ravel()], miu.shape, False) # uv[:, 0] *= ar # ray = vm.uv2xyz(uv) # if rays is None: # rays = ray # vals = uva[miu] # else: # rays = np.concatenate((rays, ray)) # vals = np.concatenate((vals, uva[miu])) # uva = translate.resample(uva, (res*ar, res)) # lp = LightPointKD(scn, rays, vals, vm, vp, src=src) # lp.direct_view(512)