.. include:: ../README.rst Command Line Interface ---------------------- The raytraverse command provides command line access to executing common tasks. The best way to manage all of the options is with a .cfg file. First, generate a template:: raytraverse --template > options.cfg and then edit the options for each file. for example, here is a simplified configuration for a low accuracy sample simulation, assuming a model scaled in meters where plane.rad is betwee 4m and 10m on each side:: [shared] weather_file = weather.epw [raytraverse_scene] out = outdir scene = room.rad [raytraverse_area] ptres = 2.0 zone = plane.rad [raytraverse_suns] epwloc = True loc = ${shared:weather_file} [raytraverse_skydata] wea = ${shared:weather_file} skyres = 10 [raytraverse_skyengine] accuracy = 2.0 skyres = 10 [raytraverse_sunengine] accuracy = 2.0 rayargs = -ab 0 nlev = 5 [raytraverse_skyrun] accuracy = 2.0 edgemode = reflect nlev = 2 [raytraverse_sunrun] accuracy = 3.0 edgemode = reflect nlev = 2 srcaccuracy = 2.0 srcnlev = 2 [raytraverse_images] basename = results blursun = True interpolate = highc res = 800 resampleview = True sdirs = None sensors = None skymask = 0:24 [raytraverse_evaluate] basename = results sdirs = None sensors = None skymask = None [raytraverse_pull] col = metric point gridhdr = True ofiles = results skyfill = ${shared:weather_file} viewfilter = 0 and then from the command line run:: raytraverse -c options.cfg skyrun directskyrun sunrun evaluate pull .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Command Line Interface cli .. toctree:: :caption: API :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: scene mapper formatter renderer sky sampler lightpoint lightfield integrator evaluate craytraverse io translate utility api Tutorials --------- .. toctree:: :caption: Toturials :maxdepth: 1 simaud2021 .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :hidden: :caption: Navigation history genindex search .. include:: ../ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.rst